Johnsons phone call to Russell touched on several topics unrelated to the JFK assassination. Well, I guess its important to us, isnt it, from. Lee Rankin, Conspiracist?, Probe, vol.4 no.4 (MayJune 1997). . Richard Russell was a funny, gentle and hardworking man, said family and a colleague of the airline employee who stole a passenger plane from Russell was "tow certified" and had full security access, and had been with the company for three and a half years, CBS News' Jamie Yuccas reports. Thats just a rat hole there. The General Counsel stated that in excess of 2100 exhibits had been made out of Commission documents that had been called to the attention of the Commissioners in the preparation of the Commissions Report. [with increasing tone of exasperation] And its just a hell of a mess. Russell: Oh man, not enough. But, then, I dont know. Theyve been talking about all these battles down there, and I tried to get the best information I could from CIA and from Defense both on all this fierce fighting on the Plain of Jars and all, and the highest estimate as to the casualties is 150. In this season of life we enjoy exploring as much as possible, whether its a day (or so) trip to one of Alaska Airlines destinations, or visiting a new area of Washington, Russell wrote about himself and his wife online. They say pick out an oil plant or pick out a refinery, or something like that. He embraced contact and, according to friends and family, got his bell rung with some frequency. I dont know how much Russia . . ], Well, I dont know. . He goes out and they get agreements and he issues orders and he sends stuff in there and then Lodge just takes charge of it himself. Now youve got all the brains in the country, Mr. President, you better get ahold of them. . . Russells unpublished personal papers can be found in the Richard B. Russell Memorial Library at the University of Georgia, Athens. The individual did use a pushback tractor to rotate the aircraft 180 degrees so he could then taxi the aircraft, Pohl said at the news conference Saturday. The collection combines the originality, intellectual rigor, . [Pauses.] [note 14] This probably was a reference to Barry Zorthian, a U.S. Information Agency officer who since January 1964 had served as the public affairs officer for the U.S. embassy in Saigon. And thats what makes it so difficult.
Its a hell of a . Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, Digital And the old man was killed.
he knows . [note 1] The Presidential Recordings Program revised the following section of text in 2021 for inclusion in The LBJ Telephone Tapes, a project produced by the Miller Center in partnership with the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library to commemorate the library's 50th anniversary. And if we get into there on any considerable scale, theres no doubt in my mind but that the Chinese will be in there. Prev. Lyndon B. Johnson: Toward the Great Society, April 14, 1964May 31, 1964, ed. He wont let anybody else work. Well, think about it and call me. . Is the experience he. RICHARD RUSSELL; February 7, 1964. He then flew around the area for about an hour, speaking at times with air traffic controllers and apologizing to loved ones for what he was about to do. That's what I'm talking about. And I dont see how were going [to] ever get out of it without fighting a major war with the Chinese and all of them down there in those rice paddies and jungles. Lodge, Nixon, Rockefeller, Goldwater all say move. . Thereupon the General Counsel offered in evidence such described exhibits running from 1054 through 3154, both inclusive, and asked that as listed on said Exhibit 3154 and as those exhibits each respectively appeared in the records of the Commission, but as limited by the documents so marked, be made regular exhibits of the Commissions proceedings with the same force and effect as any and all other exhibits which had heretofore been offered and received in evidence. They wouldnt forsake that China, that Communist philosophy. Im afraid thats right. The final Report acknowledged that the possibility of others being involved with either Oswald or Ruby cannot be rejected categorically (Warren Report, p.22), but had only this to say about Russells and Coopers objections: Although it is not necessary to any essential findings of the Commission to determine just which shot hit Governor Connally, there is very persuasive evidence from the experts to indicate that the same bullet which pierced the Presidents throat also caused Governor Connallys wounds. .
. WebRichard Russell was born in Winder, Georgia, on 2nd November, 1897. . You get a few. WebRichard Brevard Russell Jr. (November 2, 1897 January 21, 1971) was an American politician. We never could actually interdict all their lines of communications in Korea, though we had absolute control of the seas and the air. . Physical copies of many presidential phone calls are available from the National Archives. . Magazines, Digital And they had the best troops they had, including practically a division of crack German troopers who were starving and enlisted in the Foreign Legion and went down there. If you or someone you know may be contemplating suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. And I just dont know howwhat the hell is the best way to do about it. On May 21, 2015, I presented a new lecture, Introducing Aesthetics to the 4 th Grade at Central School in I think hes a pretty flexible fellow. by. WebPersonal Narrative Russell Clark Collection Veterans History Project Service Summary: War or Conflict: Korean War, 1950-1953 Branch of Service: Army Unit of Service: 31st Regiment Location of Service: Korea Highest Rank: Corporal View full service history About this Item Title Russell Clark Collection Names Rebecca Rennells So, Johnson simply announced Russell's appointment to the press and then phoned him. The airport you just passed over on your left, thats the R. J. Russell (Richard John Russell, 1872-1943), British dental surgeon and Liberal politician. As an airline employee, he wrote: Im able to fly at my leisure. Russell captured some of his travels to France, Mexico and across the United States in a video uploaded to YouTube in December. That many . 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. Its going to disappoint them to hear that I did this. Those were among Richard Russells last words to a Seattle air traffic controller on Friday night before the 29-year-old airline employee crashed a stolen Alaska Airlines plane into a near-deserted island in Puget Sound. No hint was given of Russells and Coopers arguments with Rankin and Earl Warren, or of the discussions that, according to Russells conversation with Johnson, took place about the wording of the Reports conclusions. To be able to ask questions and interact with Steve or special guests, you must have a digital subscription to The Oklahoman and you must be logged in. Some threads don't fit the loom. hell of a situation. . . And were there, and . I dont think we can let it go, Mr. President, indefinitely, like it. I cant remember that fellows name, some sort of a maverick fellow thats got a big following down in there below Saigon, and our people all hate him, because hes always against the government, and hes not fighting them and all, but hes a very powerful man in Vietnam. [Full Profile] [note 22] End of 2021 revisions. He became deeply pessimistic about the prospect of reforming the South Vietnamese government. You can make a tremendous case for moving out, but not for . I think that if he were to take over, hed ask us to get out, and of course if he did, under our theory of standing by the self-determination of people, I dont see how we could say were not going to go, certainly, if he was in charge of the government. its the damned worst mess I ever saw, and I dont like to bragI never have been right many times in my lifebut I knew we were going to get in this sort of mess when we went in there.
Lyndon Johnson and Richard Russell on 27 May 1964, Tape WH6405.10, Citations #3519, #3520, and #3521, Presidential Recordings Digital Edition [Toward the Great Society, vol. really liked it 4.00 avg rating 2 ratings. A pair of F-15C jets were scrambled in response to Russells flight before he crashed one hour and 15 minutes after takeoff. The General Counsel was asked to furnish each of the Commissioners a list of the employees of the Commission with their addresses and that this be supplied to each Commissioner as soon as it can be furnished after the Report has been published. He wanted to get somebody that was more pliant to Lodge whod do exactly what he said, right quick. And thatd give us a good excuse for getting out. You have reached your limit of free articles. McNamara said yesterday that theyin Koreathat they[Air Force Chief of Staff Curtis] LeMay and all of themwas going to stop all those tanks. WebJohn Powers, an expert on the presidential tapes at the National Archives, says LBJ used transcripts of the recordings to keep track of details and hold people to their word, And we asked him who will agree to go with old Ben Milam. Rotunda was created for the publication of original digital scholarship along Eisenhower. About this recording. During his communication with air traffic control, Russell made a complaint about wages, stating: "Minimum wage, we'll chalk it up to that. Yeah, thats right, thats exactly right. And they can always get an isolated example of bad things McNamara says, but thats not generally true, that they have had too many damn people being killed, every day. Im afraid thats right. . The purpose of the Warren Report, as outlined in Nicholas Katzenbachs memo, was to help the news media to convince the public that Oswald was the assassin [and] that he did not have confederates who are still at large. It was clearly felt that for the reports conclusions to be convincing, the Commissioners needed to be seen to be unanimous. And knocked all the whole mountain down and covered up the railroad tracks, and everybody said, By God, weve got them now. And the next morning their trains are running like the devil right over that track. I dont know, sir, you better get some brains from somewhere to apply to this thing, because I dont know what to do with it. They are, but they would go with them as soon as the fight started. they want to cause us all the trouble they can, but if theres any truth in the theory that they are really at odds with China. And dont forget that old Ben Milams the only man that got killed. Richard Brevard Russell Jr. was born in Winder on November 2, 1897, to Richard B. Russell Sr., a lawyer, state legislator, businessman, and judge, and Ina Dillard Russell, a teacher. [note 19] Lodge resigned as ambassador in June to work against Barry Goldwaters nomination as the Republican candidate for President; he returned to the post the following year. More sinister was Rankins treatment of the record of the 18 September meeting. And yesterday before they came, he gave out a big statement that we had to get us a program and go after them. That man youve got over there, McNamara, he was up here testifying yesterday before the committeeI didnt want to have him up here, but Howard Cannon and some of them wanted to have him. Russell had no formal training as a pilot and did not have his pilots license. Its . Theres undoubtedly some middle ground somewhere. Some The General Counsel was instructed to use care that the proposed conclusions concerning such chapters, as they were set forth in Chapter I, not contain any conflict.
Washington, D.C., Friday, September 18, 1964. [Sighs. On the football field, he barreled for 327 yards, scoring six touchdowns as a standout senior fullback. We even got out a lot of old B-29s to increase the bombing load and sent them over there and just dropped millions and millions of pounds of bombs, day and night. rather, hes been kicked around on it so where Im not sure hes as objective as he ought to be in surveying the conditions out there. The Warren Commissions General Counsel, Lee Rankin, managed to defuse the senators criticism while preserving the illusion of unanimity. Id take his judgment on most anything, if hed separate himself from his predilections, and he dont have any out in that part of the world. Thats right, and 83 went down on one crash on a 707, butone daybut that doesnt make any difference. Its . . You get a fewwe had 35 killed and we got enough hell over 35 this year. After 29-year-old airline employee Richard B. Russell stole a plane at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on Friday night and crashed it into Ketron Island in Puget Sound, questions remain about why and how he undertook the ultimately fatal flight. Hes gone out there and hes got [Nguyen] Khanh to agree that we cannot launch a counteroffensive or a hit in the North until he gets more stabilized and better set in the South. And theres others here that want to get out. Where to Stay and What to do In Otago
He had been part of a tow team, which repositions aircraft on the airport apron, for about four years. Russells death and the dramatic moments that preceded it a passenger plane trailed by F-15 fighter jets cutting rolls against the setting sun left those who knew him stunned and saddened. 499500. Theres no doubt in my mind about it that youll find Chinese volunteers in there as soon as you getvery shortly after we have active combat units engaged. Were ready, but he just says, Well, we have to continue to maintain our strength and get in a position. But hes got no blueprint. In later years, Rankin himself seems to have entertained the possibility that the assassination was the result of a conspiracy. In Russells words: according to their theory, he not only missed the whole automobile, but he missed the street!. [note 25] Nguyen Khanh became Prime Minister of South Vietnam in January 1964 after overthrowing the generals who had staged the coup against Diem. He was right in saying that there are so many people who have loved him..
I dont know what to do.
You dont have any doubt but what if we go in there and get them up against the wall, the Chinese Communists are going to come in? Russell was a 29-year-old ground service agent at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport in Washington. WebThe transcript wasn't clear on that, but I more took that he had a solid birth-family he was thinking about letting down. As a dedicated white supremacist, he preferred to spend his time in opposing the Kennedy administrations civil rights legislation, which was slowly making its way through the Senate in 1964. The daytoday administration was under the control of the former Solicitor General, J. Lee Rankin. WebLyndon Johnson and Richard Russell on 29 November 1963 Lyndon Johnson and Richard Russell on 29 November 1963 Administration: Johnson Place: Oval Office Date: Friday, Few Established Names on the Overlooked Simply Because It's Been Successful." Maybe that will grease some gea WebLBJ also wanted to appoint his long-time Senate mentor, Georgia Democrat Richard Russell. Hes tried to hold back on everything.
Under the Department of Defenses Unified Command Plan, this command had responsibility for U.S. military action in geographic areas not assigned to other regional commands. Contrary to received belief, the Commissioners had only a small role in the production of the Warren Report. The Warren Report was ready to be sent to the printers when Russell demanded a special meeting of the Commissioners, during which he set out his objections to the central element of the case against Oswald, the singlebullet theory. Well, theyd impeach a President, though, that'd run out, wouldnt they? Norris, Small Senate Band Wages Vocal Fight. Senator Bourke B. Hickenlooper was a Republican from Iowa. . Unofficial digital copies of this call can be found online. I think theres some 12 or 14 other countries that were party to it. This website uses cookies. but hes the most dangerous thing to the present regime. All three were career politicians who represented southern states: Russells dissent was the most vocal, and is captured in a phone conversation with President Johnson late on 18 September 1964, a few hours after the Commissions final executive session. Well, thats the way Ive been feeling for. The Chairman then announced that an appointment had been made for the Commission to deliver its Report Volume to the President on September 24, 1964, at 11:00 a.m., at the White House. Russell's legislative accomplishments were many, but his legacy has a darker side. . We used the Navy and these 14-inch rifles and knocked the whole mountain down on it, shelled it. Richard Russell Jr. (18971971), governor and U.S. But whether they do or dont, hell be back here campaigning before that campaigns over. A Port of Seattle official, Mike Pohl, said that Russell used an airport tractor to pull the parked plane onto a runway, which he would have known how to do, as part of his job in ground service was towing airplanes. In my judgment, hell be on that ticket in some way. And I think people, generally, have got a good deal of respect for Clays judgment too, and theres a great deal of affection and respect for old man Bradley. X: May 2430/64, Country File: Vietnam, Box 5, National Security File, Lyndon B. Johnson Library, pp. 6, ed. Thats right. It was suggested by one of the Commissioners that it would be helpful to Members of the Commission if they each had a page proof of Chapter I of the proposed Report as soon as it is obtained from the Public Printer for their examination. . Russell, who was a ground service employee for Horizon Air and did not have a pilots license, took the twin-engine turboprop plane from a maintenance area where it was parked at the airport. WebThe transcript includes materials from start a job working papers yesterday afternoon said on washington was richard russell audio transcript. Id give him a reason for doing it. and scholarly value of traditional peer-reviewed university press publishing I dont think the American people are quite ready for us to send our troops in there to do the fighting. For an account of their trip and particularly of Lodges summary report, see Arthur Krock, War Tour by Senators Promises Wide Benefits, New York Times, 3 October 1943. . There are some of these Vietnamese, after they beat them over the head, that will go in there and fight, but Laos is an impossible situation. I didnt . Gary Beck, CEO of Horizon Air, told The Seattle Times it was impressive that Russell pulled off incredible maneuvers like a barrel roll with no flying experience. Yes, he has. .
The Chairman: The Commission will be in order. . . Its a whole lot worse than Vietnam.
I saw it all coming on, but that dont do any good now; thats water over the dam or under the bridge. There was 90 came through and they turned all the Air Force loose on them, and they got one; 89 come on through. Well, I spend all of my days with [Dean] Rusk and McNamara and [McGeorge] Bundy and [Averell] Harriman and [Cyrus] Vance, and all those folks that are dealing with it. And [Bourke] Hickenlooper said that [we] just had to stand and show our force and put our men in there and let come what may come, and nobody disagreed with him. I dont think the people of the country know much about Vietnam and I think they care a hell of a lot less. It isnt important a damn bit. It was awful[note 18] As vice president, Johnson had opposed the November 1963 coup that overthrew Diem and culminated in his murder. Logevall, Choosing War, pp. In June he was replaced by General William Westmoreland.
[reading, again from Mansfields memo] A willingness to entertain any reasonable proposals for international conferences. Well, we are ready to confer with anybody anytime, but that . In this season of life we enjoy exploring as much as possible, whether it is a day (or so) trip to one of Alaska Airlines destinations, or visiting a new area of Washington, Russell wrote in the blog. 22 November 1963 An Introduction to the JFK Assassination, You are here: Home Other JFK Assassination Texts JFK Assassination Documents Senator Richard Russell and the Warren Report. Oh, Laos, Laos, Laos, hell, it aint worth a damn. Ive played some video games before., In a later exchange, reported by the Wall Street Journal, Russell said: I know how to put the landing gear down. He then added: I really wasnt planning on landing it.. . Commercial aircraft are complex machines, he said. . I dont know whether he told you that or not. Well, God Almighty, hes going to come back anyhow when the time comes. Johnsons total of 14 parties to the treaty, however, appears to count these latter two groups as de facto members of SEATO. And you aint going to stop these people either. WebRussell Hartman Collection | Library of Congress Personal Narrative Russell Hartman Collection Veterans History Project Service Summary: War or Conflict: Korean War, 1950-1953 Branch of Service: Army Highest Rank: Private First Class View full service history Share About this Item Title Russell Hartman Collection Names Lugar, Richard National Historical Publications and Records Commission,, See the daily introduction for 1964-05-27, Copyright 2014 by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia. Its a mess, and its going to get worse. I dont know who, Mr. President. I had him up here the other day, getting some advice from him on some matters, and I found him very alert. 11214. Frankly, Mr. President, if you were to tell me that I was authorized to settle it as I saw fit, I would respectfully decline to undertake it. Plane stolen from Seattle airport chased by fighter jets video, family members said in a statement they were heartbroken, one of Russells former co-workers described him as a quiet, well-liked young man. American Defense and Security. Thats what Im talking about. is just to glorify the individual and not to save the state or to help other people. Russell, the sole occupant during the flight, did not survive. But he mentioned video games during his recorded conversation with air traffic control, which some have taken as a reference to flight simulator software. There were talks for TIF, but with the OMNI not allowing hotel TIF deals, it was expected it would be apartments. He became critical of the FBI when he learned about the bureaus destruction of Oswalds note threatening to blow up the FBI office in Dallas, and of the CIA when its alliance with mobsters became public knowledge. A Motion was made, seconded and carried that pictures of the Commission be procured and that a total of 100 copies be made available for the Commissioners [sic] use and that one copy of such Commission picture be provided for each staff member. All Commissioners stated that they would plan to attend that proceeding. . Guian A. McKee, vol. Three of the Commissions seven members expressed doubts about the Warren Reports loneassassin theory. This was not the only example of manipulation of the records of the Warren Commission. Ware stunneand heart of richard russell like this comment and compassion, large volume of a grounds and later said he said he has left. . John Coopers dissent is contained in his own unpublished papers, which can be found at the University of Kentucky, Lexington. . However, Governor Connallys testimony and certain other factors have given rise to some difference of opinion as to this probability but there is no question in the mind of any member of the Commission that all the shots which caused the Presidents and Governor Connallys wounds were fired from the sixth floor window of the Texas School Book Depository. Tilden said that air traffic control was immediately aware that Russells take off in the aircraft was an unauthorized departure.. One witness whose testimony Russell did hear in person was that of Governor John Connally. Catch a start the transcript of open comments on board, alaska at what happens if [note 29] End of 2021 revisions. Hes got . [Pause.] . Such statement shall describe the salaries, travel, equipment rent and similar general categories, with the total obligations and total estimated cost, this approval to be subject to such financial statement being furnished to each of the Commissioners and their having an opportunity to direct such inquiries as they may care to to [sic] the General Counsel about specific items. TRANSCRIPT OF TAPED INTERVIEW CIB # Audio Recorded Interview: Video Recorded Interview: Name: Russell WILLIAMS But, hes an intelligent man. I just dont know what to do. I dont know, I think probably the best thing you could do would be to ask Lodge if he dont think its about time [that] he [is] coming home. . its a bad mistake.
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