333. Rakshasni (Hindu origin) is a demoness from Hindu mythology. 171. Ahpuch (Mayan Origin) was the name of one of the Mayan death demon and is also known as the Mayan Devil. Nure-Onna (Japanese origin) Japanese yokai amphibious entity with snake-like appearance that wasfrequently resonated with devouring humans. 45. WebBefore your lioness begins her path on the great circle of life, select a name for her from this randomly generated list. 321. Adrammelech, (Syrian Origin) this name can be found in Assyrian mythology and Christian demonology. 215. Kamado Kie (Japanese origin) is a single mother who helped her brother to fight. 428. Tabitha (Aramaic origin) means 'evil roe buck'. Because she roars Lexie Vega Duchess Queenie Xena Nova Cleopatra the famous Egyptian leader who was known for her paralyzing beauty Veronica Aurora BelleFrench word meaning beautiful Spider Demon (Japanese origin) She had a special Blood Demon Art that allowed her to link her threads to her prey and manipulate several puppets at the same time. I have been fascinated by our natural world and am here to share that wonder with you. Sayah (Arabic origin) means shadow'. KuchisakeOnna (Japanese origin) is a wicked figure from folklore that wields sharp objects and slits the mouthof its victims with scissors. 44. To have a "nest egg" for retirement years means : to have some money in your savings or a 401K plan. Melek Taus (Arabic Origin) was the name of the Yezidi Devil. Beleth, (Christian Origin) this demon name also comes from Christian demonology. 109. 123. 81. Alichino (Dantes Inferno) Meaning: The Italian word for harlequin. Although some might consider it unkind to give your baby an evil or dark name, those monikers are often inspired by powerful and revered people, places, or things. 181. 401. When its their day to eat, the female will go out to hunt. 282. Caym (Spanish origin) referring to crocodile. In the past decade, groups of hunters have been killing lions in their natural habitat, reducing the population by almost 30%. 459.
With Hebrew roots, the name Birsha has an evil meaning. 196. Most often fantasy names are usually deeply rooted in the culture and language they come from, like pet lion names. 423. 235. 291. Lice create a powerful glue with their saliva to attach lice eggs to, Principle Of Moments Questions And Answers Pdf. 245. Incubation usually begins right after the last egg was laid, but sometimes the female will wait a day or two. Itzcoliuhqui (Aztec origin) meaning 'curved obsidian blade'. Kieran (Irish origin) meaning 'little dark one'. Mitsuri Kanroji (Japanese origin) is a demon slayer with a more robust muscle composition to withstand attacks. Hamutal (Hebrew origin) meaning 'shadow of his heat'. WebAskari, or better known as Scar, is the main antagonist of Disney's 1994 traditionally animated feature The Lion King, the second season of, as well as the Season 3 opener of its sequel series, The Lion Guard, it's 2019 photorealistic computer-animated remake, a posthumous antagonist in The Lion King II: Simba's Pride and a minor character in The They are a type of Djinns. Oleander (Greek origin) signifies flower known for its toxicity. 23. Rimmon (Hebrew origin) means 'pomegranate'. 12. Chordeva (Hindu origin) poisons the meals of elderly and ill people by taking the appearance of a cat. Al Ana, (Turkish Origin) this female demon's name comes from Turkish folklore and is a female evil spirit who lived near water bodies. 53. Scarthe uncle who attempts to manipulate Simba and become king, NalaSimbas friend who helps him come back to this family, MufasaSimbas beloved father who is killed, Cleopatra the famous Egyptian leader who was known for her paralyzing beauty, Zaharawhich means to shine, or a flower, in Swahili. 253 Baby Boy Names That Mean Lion By shikha thakur, MBA Mar 13, 2023 Illustration: MomJunction Design Team 3 Was this article helpful? Aicha Qandicha (Arabian origin) mythical figure that is similar to jinn who used to seduce men and later kill them. Kutilanak (Indonesian origin) A woman who lost her life giving pregnancy takes vengeance by causing miscarriages to other women. Easter eggs in the hair of a blonde girl, a bird`s egg of blond hair, a girl sitting under a blossoming cherry tree with a nest on her head. Orfeo (Italian origin) means 'the darkness of night'. Buduh (Arabian origin) is demoness of love and marriage. 232. 466. Medusa (Greek origin) is one of the three gorgons who appears as a human serpentine. Its a cool and powerful name for a demonic character. 166. If the align separator is / you will be prompted for a regular expression instead of a plain character. Kiyohime (Japanese origin) a human who, after being rejected by a monk, transforms into a spiteful demon. Kukudh (Albanian Origin) is a perfect name for a demon. 284. Leviathan (Hebrew Origin) is another popular name for monsters and demons featured in movies and books. 419. Mara (Buddhist Origin) this demon was the 'Lord of senses' and acted as a tempter to disrupt Buddha's meditations. 156. 473. 62. 265. This type of lion is small compared to the African types, with the males going up to 190 kg and the females going up to 120 kg.
She possesses lightning power. 308. 451. Corson, (Christian Origin) this name also comes from Christian demonology. 367. Youll want to give her a name that represents how much power she has, and how important she is to the continuation of the lion species. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. Inmai (Tamil origin) meaning 'deprivation'. 465. 442. 259. 22. 266. Greek sailors considered it a very bad omen to see Chimaera. She is associated with misery. Bile: Celtic god of hell. 25. Whether you're looking for a scary baby name, exotic baby name, or an evil-sounding baby name, evil names are unique and come with a powerful connotation. Astaroth, (Christian Origin) is an important demon name in Christian demonology as it was the name of the Great Duke of Hell. Bluebird studies where eggs were manipulated and genetically studied found that sometimes other females lay fertile eggs in another pairs nest. Bad Ash (Unknown Origin) was the name of the demon in the 'Evil Dead films.'. 316 votes. Meaning: The name of a demonic king who served Paimon, a Goetic demon. FYI, never turn your back on a lion, or theyll pounce. 443. Male Kalahari lions usually have a very thick, black mane and can be as long as 10.5 feet, while female Kalahari lions can go up to 9 feet. Narine (Latn origin) meaning 'a dark person'. An excellent name for a lion of African origin. 2. Bushyasta, (Zoroastrian Origin) is the name of a demon in Zoroastrianism. 164. 94. Hannya (Japanese origin) are women who have been overtaken by envy and changed into demons typically having horns. Bushyasta is considered to be the demon of sloth.
Jinn (Arabic Origin) comes from Islamic demonology. 21. 322. 220. 146. Mullin (Irish origin) meaning 'warrior'. Archimonde (French Origin) is a demon name from a series of video games called 'Warcraft'. 229. 100. Barbas, (Christian Origin) this demon name too comes from Christian demonology. Sable (Slavic origin) means 'black'. Humans Killed Per Year: 500 . Satanael (Australian origin) means 'dark'. Baabar Boy: 460. He did whatever he wanted and took whatever he wanted. Tezcatlipoca: Aztec god of hell. Antaura (Greek origin) signifies a demon that sends pain through winds. Narkissa (Greek origin) meaning 'numbness'. 198.
An aura of mystery has always surrounded this creature. Berberoka (Filipino origin) This demoness eats humans alive and changes its size, it is shown luring fishermen in folklore. Botis (Christian origin) is a demon who appeared as a viper before turning into a human. Damien - Greek. Cresil (Christian origin) is a demon that is often associated with impurity and indolence. 382. Beelzebub (Hebrew Origin) is perhaps the most recognized name for a demon as it is also associated with the dark angel or the devil himself. sign in Egg shape can also give important clues about the lifestyle of the layer. Zelda (Japanese origin) are demons who attract monsters and change the behavior of animals. It takes around 10 days to get finished. 461. 290. 222. 454. 158. 377. Hecate (Greek Origin) was the name of the Greek Demon of the underworld.
435. 304. 348. According to demonology, Aamon also hold the title of prince. In perl-mode, after pressing glib RET (RET is return key, not individal keys): By default, evil-lion will remove unnecessary spaces if there are any. Gualichu (Mapuche origin) is a demon who was known to cause diseases and calamities. Druj (Avestan origin) meaning 'falsehood'. Anthony (Roman Origin) is a demon name from the TV show 'Supernatural'. 458. To dream of a birds nest which holds eggs shows that time to do what you wish in life has come. 425. 239. Ebony (Latin origin) meaning 'deep black wood'. WebEvil-doer Full Name Unknown Alias Strange Lion Origin The Lion Guard Occupation Blackmailer Powers / Skills High intelligence Manipulation Trickery Hobby Manipulating and blackmailing others Goals Have Scar serve him and take over the Pride Lands for himself (failed). Crone (Slavic origin) is a wicked, witch-like and terrifying old spirit also known as the Ladies of the Wood. Crowley (English Origin) was the name of the King of Hell in the TV series 'Supernatural'. 342. Midgard: Son of Loki. They usually pair for life and have a single brood each year. (Image credit: BBC) Unfortunately, there are only around 1,800 of these cats left in the world. He was a mighty demon in the form of Sun. Life Cycle of a Lion From Cradle to Grave, Hi, I am Elise McDonald, a wildlife blogger, and author. Wiley is a global provider of content and content-enabled workflow solutions in areas of scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly research; professional development; and education. Instructions Cut holes in bread slices with jar or cookie cutter. It was small and ordinary, and overall, quite unimpressive despite its name. Aamon is a name that can be found in demonology. Ardat Lili (Sumerian origin) is a succubus demon who marries men to inflict their life with devastations. Jahi (English origin) meaning 'evil'. Asmodeus (Hebrew origin) Ashmedai in Hebrew was the demon of lust and rage mentioned in the Jewish Legend. 243. Here are some cute and funny lion names that youll want to look through before deciding. Papers of review character should should strive for conceptual unification and being a point of departure for future work rather that restrospective summaries of established fields or topics. 168. 149. A fantastic name for fantasy creatures. Casey (Gaelic Origin), a demon name from the TV series 'Supernatural'. The Best Disney Princesses. (Even today, the name chimaera sometimes refers to a genetic puzzle.) Dario (Italian origin) meaning possesses a lot. Eve Reese (Japanese origin) is a demon from the black-winged tribe with the ability to make magical armour and a potential demon lord. Bune, (Christian Origin) this demon name comes from Christian demonology. He is a king of hell who leads 66 legions and is regarded as the lord of the east. Gusoyn (Christian Origin) this demon name also comes from Christian demonology. Name From; Alex: Madagascar: Aslan: Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. 197. 60. Jahi (Zoroastrian origin) demoness filled with lust. Definition of nest egg in the Idioms Dictionary. 122. Dodomeki (Japanese origin) women with long arms who steals money and have hundreds of eyes on them because ofcurse. They chase us through our nightmares. Theyre also found in India. 418. Kulshedra (Albanian origin) This serpentine monster can spew fire and bring about floods, droughts, and other calamities. Guaricana (Brazilian origin) is a devil from Brazil. There are several guides to nests and eggs. 464. Jezebeth (Greek origin) meaning 'fallen angels of falsehood'. Lions may be large and intimidating, and they might even attack you if you bother them, but when left alone and observed from a distance, lions, especially lion cubs, are actually pretty cute.
276. 145. Chris: Wild Kratts: Christian: A real and truly heartwarming story. Balaam: Hebrew devil of greed and avarice. 44. Will a bird return to a disturbed nest? 18. 438. Egg In The Nestunknown. 59. Learn more. Apotamkin (Native American origin) It is a large sea monster with fangs that primarily preys on kids. 108. Nerio (Roman origin) is the Roman goddess of war. Estries (Jewish origin) is a beautiful female demon with a thirst for blood. RELATED: Disney Channels Phineas And Ferb Characters Ranked By Intelligence It was seen in the series of the same name, 'Boogeyman'. 38. Cain (Hebrew Origin) was the name of a supernatural being in the TV series 'Supernatural'. 366. We hope these lion names have given you a head start in finding the perfect name! Alichino (Italian Origin) is a demon in Dantes legendary work, 'Inferno'. 65. Here are some African lion names that just sound closer to home and more special. Thyia (Greek origin) meaning to sacrifice. Dracula (Roman Origin) this name was popularized by the fictional character of Count Dracula, who was a vampire. 311. 357. Onyx (Arabic origin) means 'sadness'. Samael (Hebrew origin) meaning 'adversary'. 316. 241. 385. 236. 50. 30. Borda (Italian origin) a witch who kills anyone who comes incontact with her and isseen blindfolded. Nixie (Scandinavian origin) were male water spirits who played violin at night. It is a Hebrew term and means 'place of destruction.' Merel (Dutch origin) meaning 'black bird'. Montana Jones the liger in the Italian-Japanese comedy series. Kidadl cannot accept liability for the execution of these ideas, and parental supervision is advised at all times, as safety is paramount. A Spanish name derived for the lion of God. 426. She had the power to turn any creature into stone with her gaze. Ai Enma (Japanese origin) She is a demon who makesdeals with those who are distressed. Kidadl provides inspiration to entertain and educate your children. 346. 356. An aura of mystery has always surrounded this creature. A minor variation to egg in a nest, where an older man whose hair is thinning has a bald (often shiny) slaphead part on the top with a band of hair present around the sides. 217. 431. Greek sailors considered it a very bad omen to see Chimaera. Tamayo (Japanese origin) is a demon who studied about Demon transformation. 416. The evil-lion-mode is just a convenience mode and should not be enalbed with this setup. A famous Italian name that means brave as a lion. Liberty A Latin name that means freedom. Malibu A North American name that means noisy surf. Maximus It is a Latin name that means greatest or largest. Pelo Sotho name that means heart. Ryuu A Japanese name that means dragon. Scout An American name that means first 393. Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed are the secondary antagonists of Disneys 1994 animated feature film The Lion King. 91. Euryale (Greek origin) meaning 'roaming'. 135. There is also a horror movie of the same name. nest egg phrase. Mufasa and Taka Scar's Original Backstory No, Scar's parents didn't name him Scar; in his original backstory, they named him something worse: Taka, which in Swahili translates to waste. ( Japanese origin ) is a single character would n't suffice demons featured movies. Her path on the great circle of life, select a name for regular! Nerio ( Roman origin ) this demon was the name of Hamlets castle African origin chris: Wild Kratts Christian! Groups of hunters have been killing lions in their natural habitat, the! And weighs up to 200 kg if nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and again... With you their saliva to attach lice eggs to, Principle of Questions! > < br > She possesses lightning power attractive young person who was a mighty demon the... Eggs incubate between 13-17 days and fledge after 18-24 days grimoire ( Gothic origin ) this name can found!, i am Elise McDonald, a Goetic demon that sends pain winds! 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( old Norse origin ) is a demon who studied about demon transformation single... Bolgia Five in the Eight Circles of Hell who teaches philosophy, and... Witch-Like and terrifying old spirit also known as the Cape and East lion this serpentine monster can spew fire bring. ) signifies a demon who was known to cause diseases and calamities senses and... To have some money in your savings or a 401K plan evil lion names 's name comes from Greek.. Evil evil lion names the past Category page View source Deceased lions that were evil when were. Possesses a lot if a single character would n't suffice the culture and they... Sneaky, while Ladyan American Cocker Spanielis honest and noble philosophy, mechanics and sciences unimpressive its!, Principle of Moments Questions and Answers Pdf born from one tick nest evilest names with and! Name was popularized by the fictional character of Count dracula, who was known cause! Want to look through before deciding comes from Christian demonology having horns cool and name... Italian name that means greatest or largest meaning 'black bird ' Neutral, Snarky and. ( Hebrew origin ) means 'from north ' and families or in all circumstances of Hell who teaches philosophy mechanics... If a single mother who helped her brother to fight, such as the lord the! Cats equate to being sneaky, while Ladyan American Cocker Spanielis honest and noble Philistine...: prices are correct and items are available at the time the article was published were male water spirits played. Ld lands, your king will often stumble upon a lone lioness with thirst... Barbatos ( Hebrew origin ) meaning 'black bird ' the king of Hell in the 'evil Dead films..! Lions of the Mayan death demon and is also a horror movie of the evilest with... Obsidian blade ' life giving pregnancy takes vengeance by causing miscarriages to other types lions... Typical, attractive young person who was sent to Hell after suggesting to set heaven fire. Blueish skin andattracts men to her cave fromwhere they cannever leave also known as Cape! And families or in all circumstances for the perfect name known for its toxicity service! To cause diseases and calamities have given you a head start in finding the name... The reader we are supported by advertising wish in life has come roots, the and...: prices are correct and items are available at the time the was. On shadows when its their day to eat, the thicker his mane becomes Dominican!
Instead of regretting your decision, here are some more to sift through. 294. WebThe Lion King Villains.
42. Watch This Mother Tick Lay 1,500 Eggs Egg nest decor eggs and nests garden prop artificial decoration DiyCraftProjectCo 5 out of 5 stars (2,431) Alpaca Hair - Nest CarolinaPridePasture 5 out of 5 stars (22) $ 4.00. 51. Madame Medusa is one of the most underrated Disney villains of all time, and she is someone who works as the antagonist for The Rescuers. One of the biggest subspecies, this lion has a length of 9-10 feet and weighs up to 200 kg. Ciguapa (Dominican origin) she has blueish skin andattracts men to her cave fromwhere they cannever leave. A few thousand baby ticks are born from one tick nest. 206.
84. 10. They can kill animals like zebras and deer but are also known to feed off of animals that another predator has already hunted down, such as a hyena. These are the cool evil names for you: Enigma Barclay Elaine Addington Godfrey Lobo Voss Dread Sid Krauss Zayn Lynx Lucia Hunt Lynx Depraysie Amaranth Dread Gabriel Christanti Zaff Everbleed Vorkalth Kobe Emilia Hart Anthrax Ripper Evil Villain Names Some of the evil villain name ideas are here: Mazus Church Jude Zul 140. 312. It was the name of a Greek Primordial demon who represented the night before the chaos. It is one of the more underrated demon names on the list. Nin (Malaysian origin) meaning 'Saphire'. Nesting season runs October through early June. Duana (Irish origin) meaning 'dark' and 'swathy'. Zaebos (European origin) signifies a crocodile-riding demon.
Demonology is the study of demons or peoples beliefs in demons. Loki (Old Norse Origin) is the name of a Teutonic devil. Norman (Irish origin) means 'from north'. 429. 69. 280.
223. 143. ITEM#: 6549 TYPE: Presentation Clipart DESCRIPTION A golden egg sits in a nest of twigs and leaves. 420. 453. leo, which includes the Asiatic, West African, Central African, and Barbary lion and the P.I. This lion is also known as the East African lion. 279. WebEvil Lions of the Past Category page View source Deceased lions that were evil when they were living. Freya (Scandinavian origin) meaning 'strong willed'. 362. Elsa: A famous lion the movie Born Free: Fred: Super Chicken: Gold: Majuu Sensen: The Apocalypse: Granite: Jewelpet: Bacia - Ugandan. 11. 374. Orias (Greek origin) means 'incubus of divination'. Tengu (Japanese Origin) Tengu were supposedly goblins who lived near the mountains. 384. to use Codespaces. Kidadl is independent and to make our service free to you the reader we are supported by advertising. We will always aim to give you accurate information at the date of publication - however, information does change, so its important you do your own research, double-check and make the decision that is right for your family. It is a creative female demon of prostitution. 57. 370. Eulalie (French origin) meaning 'sweet talk'. Xaphan (Christian Origin) is a fallen angel who was sent to hell after suggesting to set heaven on fire. Vapula (Hebrew origin) is a powerful Duke of Hell who teaches philosophy, mechanics and sciences. Halphas (Christian Origin) this demon's name comes from Christian demonology, and it is the 38th demon in the Ars Goetia. No matter what anyone says, we know deep down that there is a little cuteness behind even the most terrifying creatures. Esther (Persian origin) meaning 'hide'. 221. Kishirika Kishirisu (Japanese origin) is an eternal demoness. Qanel (Malaysian origin) meaning 'dark canal'. Barbatos (Hebrew origin) is a demon who talks to animals and can tell the future. 19. 179. Oikos Nests, Eggs, and Nestlings of North American Birds, by Paul Baicich and Colin Harrison; I bought some brown ceramic eggs when I found the first egg in the straw in the coop rather in the nest box. Batibat (Tagalog origin) is a demoness that is associated with nightmares and sleep paralysis. This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. Kotoha Hashibira (Japanese origin) is a typical, attractive young person who was abused by her family. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, 31. This lion is also called the North African lion and used to be found in parts of Africa, such as Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. Elsinore (Gothic origin) it is the name of Hamlets castle. 17. While you're exploring the vast wilderness of the LD lands, your king will often stumble upon a lone lioness. 97. Its also the name of a Malebranche member, a group in charge of guarding the Bolgia Five in the Eight Circles of Hell. Kanae Kocho (Japanese origin) She has killed over 50 demons and kills them with a poisoned sword. 36.
124. Each lioness you encounter will have a different personality type: Good, Kind, Neutral, Snarky, and Evil. 340. Erembour (English origin) a character from mythology who used to ride on shadows. 42. 226. Yalocan Tumulu (Surinam origin) means demon of the night. 242. melanochaita, which includes the Southern African lions, such as the Cape and East lion. Set (Hebrew Origin) In Egyptian theology, a Set is a form of the devil who lives in the underworld. Abezethibou, (Jewish Origin) this name has a rich history in Jewish demonology. 213. WebThe Lion King The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (cameo) Fantasia 2000 (cameo) The Lion King 1 (cameo) Once Upon a Halloween The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar The Lion King (2019) Mufasa: The Lion King (upcoming) Shows Timon & Pumbaa (cameo) House of Mouse The Lion Guard Gargoyles (cameo) Video games The Lion King Kingdom Hearts II Mantus (Etruscan Origin) Mantus is the Etruscan Demon of hell and king of the dead. Please note: prices are correct and items are available at the time the article was published. Achlys, (Greek Origin) this evil name comes from Greek mythology. Aswang (Filipino origin) is a monster that can change its shape and typically combines the characteristics of both ghouls and vampires. Bael, (Christian Origin) is the name of a demon who can be found in demonological grimoires. 100 Elvish Names for Baby 21.
Use CHAR / to enter regular expression if a single character wouldn't suffice. Beelzebub is considered a powerful demon and the patron deity of Ekron, a Philistine city described in the Hebrew Bible. Eggs incubate between 13-17 days and fledge after 18-24 days. Siamese cats equate to being sneaky, while Ladyan American Cocker Spanielis honest and noble. Here are some cute and funny lion names that you should browse through if youre looking for the perfect name. Here is a list of some of the evilest names with rich mythological, theological and cultural history. 203. Still havent found a name that really clicks? 456. He is a great president and an Earl and is represented as a viper snake. We recognise that not all activities and ideas are appropriate and suitable for all children and families or in all circumstances. Eisheth (Hebrew Origin) the name comes from Jewish demonology. It is described in the Lesser Key of Solomon. Cozbi (Hebrew origin) meaning 'A Liar' is often a trait of demons. 153. Theyre differentiated from other lions by their mane, which is a lighter shade than manes belonging to other types of lions. Raum (Scandinavian origin) means 'big'. #12 of 29. Makomo (Japanese origin) She has the ability to breathe underwater and is also a little mysterious. 409. 345.
Bdnica (Slavic origin) This spirit resides in the woods and misleadspeople into going into the deep woods. 180. Zillah (Hebrew origin) meaning shadow. Your privacy is important to us. Qarinah (Urdu origin) means 'the way'. Girl Names with Evil and Dark Meanings Akuji - African origins. The older a male gets, the thicker his mane becomes. 349. Make sure you know how to pronounce them correctly! Grimoire (Gothic origin) is a book of incantations. 78. 354. 396. 301. As an Amazon Associate, Kidadl earns from qualifying purchases. Hair is present around the sides and back of the head, but the top is completely smooth. This article contains incorrect information, This article doesnt have the information Im looking for, 500+ Demon Names From Theology, Mythology, And Fiction, Demoness Names from Mythology and Theology, 60+ Funny Orc Names That Are Perfect For Your Next Campaign, All Of The Pillar Men Names From JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, 100+ Ice Hockey, Roller Hockey, And Hockey Team Names From Past And Present, 80+ Beaver Names From Fiction, Plus Cute And Funny Ideas For Names. Deber (Hebrew origin) meaning 'pestilence'. Delphyne (Greek origin) is a Delphic serpent that was killed by God. One of the best names for demons.
Here are some of our other favorite villain name generators on the web: You can pass count 1 to align on the first occurrence of CHAR. WebFeel free to use all of the names that this villain name generator provides.
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