It is not unusual for most or all of the participating Judges to write separately, even when they agree as to the outcome.
During the Middle-Ages the Knights Templar (ancestors of Freemasonry) have been accused by the Archbishop of Canterbury of numerous anti-Christian deeds, including trampling the Cross under foot during their initiation processes. And from here you can see the world or in this case the city of Jerusalem like you havent seen it before. The motto of the Illuminati. Here it is very important to count the steps; there are three sets of 10 steps, making a total of 30. A friend of mine took this picture of the Israeli Supreme Court as he and his wife flew over the area a couple years ago.
It is the symbol for the founder of the Rothschild Dynasty and his five sons, who established central banks throughout Europe. Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:56, 31 October 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]. He writes that, It makes rich and wide-ranging references to the whole lexicon of Eretz-Israel building over the centuries, starting with Herodian structures, through the Hellenistic tomb of Absalom, the Crusaders, Greek Orthodox monasteries, and up to the British Mandate period. By the principle of binding precedent (stare decisis), Supreme Court rulings are binding upon every other court, except itself. For those who can make something out of the numbers. I [Jerry Golden] took all but one of the pictures you see here so I can assure that what you are seeing is real and actually in place. We know that Freemasonry comprises a total of 33 degrees and well later see where we can find those last three degrees in the structure. The wall with the courtroom entrances has a curve to it, while the outer wall is straight. From the left you will see Teddy Kollek, then Lord Rothschild, on the right standing you will see Shimon Peres, and setting at the bottom left Yhzhak Rabin. The architects claim to have been inspired from the Scriptures in Psalms 85:11 Truth shall spring up from the earth; and righteousness shall look down from heaven. There is no Obelisk? Giving recognition to the Rothschilds, you will notice the Rothschilds emblem at the top. Each participating Judge will either note that she or he concurs in the lead opinion (and possibly another opinion as well) or write a separate concurrence. The Rothschilds made several stipulations with the Israeli Government before the building began, among them were. The Supreme Court is a temple of the Mysteries, which are an amalgamation of pagan rituals interlaced with an esoteric interpretation of the Scriptures. In the middle of the stairway is the shape of a vesica piscis (representing female genitals) penetrated by a column (phallic symbol). This report will shock and upset some. The length of service, for this purpose, is calculated from the date of the appointment of the Judge to the Supreme Court. There are exactly three times 10 steps, totaling 30. There is hard evidence that the American Deep State was complicit in the stealing of the US Presidential elections in 2020 and the coup d'etat in Brazil 2022 elections which ousted President Bolsonaro. The Georgia Guidestones Completely Demolished Following Explosion, The Occult Symbolism of the Vaticans 2020 Nativity Scene, The Most Expensive Hotel Room in the World Was Made For Elite Psychopaths, Something is Terribly Wrong With Hotel Lucia, The Denver Airport Installs a Talking Gargoyle That Says Welcome to the Illuminati Headquarters, The DIA Launches an Ad Campaign Addressing the Conspiracy Theories Surrounding It.
That line runs on to the Rockefeller Museum; and from the Rockefeller Museum a line runs through the Moslem Quarters to the Temple Mount.
Most Israelis are aware that on the roof of the Supreme Court, the Israeli flag is absent and in its place stands the ILLUMINATI pyramid of the Free Masons. The same families who own and control the Federal Reserve and other major financial institutions have their eyes set on the Temple Mount and the Holy City of Jerusalem. A journey throughthe Supreme Court is, in fact, a symbolic course towards Illumination. In the center directly under the point of the pyramid a crystal so that when one stand over it he of she is in direct line from the point of the pyramid and the crystal below. The judges offices overlook the courtyard, so they are symbolically looking down from heaven. Once the order was given from the US Deep State, massive paid demonstrators took to the streets in Israel and threatened total civil war. As you might have noticed, the importance of the act of ascending and descending in this building is very important. Strange the article does not properly mention the clear presence of masonic symbolism; should be added. In a case on which the President of the Supreme Court sits, the President is the Presiding Judge; in a case on which the Deputy President sits and the President does not sit, the Deputy President is the Presiding Judge; in any other case, the Judge with the greatest length of service is the Presiding Judge. A better picture was added but is not immediately visible, why? As we turn to the left and begin to walk towards the Pyramid we notice a metal strip in the marble floor. The right-wing government's push to get more control of the judiciary system thrust Israel into a crisis. We have just lightly touched on the significance of this building for there are literally hundreds of details that point to the Illuminati and their plans for mankind. Just before entering under the pyramid there is a window you can look up at the pyramid, you will notice the ley-line that runs to the center of the pyramid. In the 1980s and the 1990s, the Supreme Court established its role as a protector of human rights, intervening to secure freedom of speech and freedom to demonstrate, reduce military censorship, limit the use of certain military methods[7] and promote equality between various sectors of the population. The Supreme Court consists of 15 judges appointed by the President of Israel, upon nomination by the Judicial Selection Committee. Directly under the Pyramid you see 6 squares. Interior. For if we are to believe that the anti-Christ is to have his seat on the Temple Mount, then we must come to grips with some truths not being preached today. In Conclusion
This entire report will be built around the construction of this building ordered by the Rothchilds. Masonicand Illuminatiprinciples are physically embodied in numerous instances, proving without a doubt who runs the show in there. The Supreme Court sits as a panel of five Judges or more in a rehearing on a matter in which the Supreme Court sat with a panel of three Judges. The architects claim to have been inspired from the Scriptures in Psalms 85:11 Truth shall spring up from the earth; and righteousness shall look down from heaven. Standing directly over a piece of crystal with the all Seeing Eye of Lucifer the light bearer above them. Notable would be: Some people connect it to some sort of Symbolism Dorothy de Rothschild paid for planning, material and construction, and as you might know, the Rothschild family is alleged to be connected to Freemasonry and other fraternal organizations as in the view of some conspiracy theorists. In a symbolic way, theenlightened person gained spiritual sight. After passing through security the first thing you will notice on the left wall is a large picture. The librarys way of functioning where some information is the exclusive privilege of a selected few directly correlates with the functioning of occult orders, where teachings of a certain degree can only be given if the initiates have successfully cleared the previous degrees. Just as Scriptures say, the man who will be revealed as the anti-Christ will sit there before the appearance of the Jewish Messiah Yeshua HaMashiach, and many will receive him as their messiah. This report will prove that such a move is underway and has been for quite some time. The visitors have to go down the stairs symbolically descend to lower spheres to reach the cross. His Sons blood was the perfect sacrifice; there is no need to shed the blood of dumb animals any longer. Once legislation has been proposed following the last election in November 2022, to curtail the dictatorial powers of this arrogant crime syndicate, the true masters of our Supreme Court have been exposed. The Israeli Defense Forces are also subject to the HCJ's judicial review.[5]. The court may review actions by state authorities outside of Israel. When ruling as the High Court of Justice (Hebrew: , Beit Mishpat Gavo'ah LeTzedek; also known as its acronym Bagatz, "), the court rules on the legality of decisions of State authorities: government decisions, those of local authorities and other bodies and persons performing public functions under the law, and direct challenges to the constitutionality of laws enacted by the Knesset. I guess since nobody outside the scene really takes attention, there are not too much unbiased information out there. The Supreme Court may sit as a panel of a larger uneven number of Judges than three in matters that involve fundamental legal questions and constitutional issues of particular importance. Israel is a secular State, and the Supreme Court is the superior court in the State of Israel. Everything about this building has been thought out to the very finest detail, and it is diabolical. The US Deep State is heavily involved in ousting Bibi Netanyahu in Israel via weaponization of the Justice System to fabricate bogus charges against the Israeli PM in similar fashion they target former US President Donald Trump.
Why? [14], The building is a blend of enclosed and open spaces; old and new; lines and circles. In addition to housing the Israeli parliament, the neighborhood boasts the architecturally magnificent Supreme Court building and the aromatic Wohl Rose Park, the largest in Israel The new home of Israels Supreme Court is a magnificent light-filled stone and glass architectural gem that perfectly complements the description of Jerusalem as a city of stone, possessed by light and obsessed with its past..
The address is Kiryat Ben-Gurion, 1 Shaare Mishpat St, Jerusalem 9195001. But before that happens all hell will break loose in Jerusalem and the world. But this is what that part of the building looks like, making the pyramid the holy of holies in this evil Miskan "Temple". One such truth is the foundation for such a move by the Devil must be already underway even as we speak, Or we simply are not in "end days" of an epoch. There are two things said about his, some say it speaks to the straight line of Justice, and the curve line of Mercy, yet others say it speaks of order out of chaos. Israeli Supreme Court building has the Masonic Eye of Horus on the Pyramid boldly extending above the roofline. It stands in Jerusalems Givat Ram governmental precinct, near to the Knesset (Israeli parliament building).
The Devils plan has been put into place before we ever realize it. This is the Dorothy de Rothschild grove. All of this will make more sense as we go along, keep in mind we are talking about the establishment of a form of Government that will usher in the anti-Christ. Now is the time to write it--Knowing it could be misunderstood as anti-Semitic. Arethey poking back at Christianity with this symbol? A single Supreme Court Judge may rule on interim orders, temporary orders or petitions for an order nisi, and on appeals on interim rulings of District Courts, or on judgments given by a single District Court judge on appeal, and on a judgment or decision of the Magistrates Courts. When you leave the center Courtroom or main courtroom directly across the opening you find the stairs going downstairs, at the base of the stairs you will find the fertility symbol always present in any illuminati structure, often hidden but always there. Much can be said about this symbol and the symbol of the masons with the compass and square with the "G" in the middle, but I will leave that for another time or for someone else. The Court is open for inspection at 12 noon every day, with commentary in English. Architect: Ram Karmi and Ada Karmi Melamede. The obelisk in the middle of a circle represents the sexual act and the union of opposite forces. I added a simple comment pointing to this CLEAR detail on the picture and it was immediately removed. There is no doubt that the reserved books contain a wealth of esoteric knowledge. The unexpected carries information. It took them four years to build this structure with many secrets built into it. For God would not send men to that place to perform blood sacrifices. The structure, in fact, consists of three main sections: a square library wing within which is set a round courtyard containing a copper-clad pyramid, a rectangular administrative wing containing judges' chambers arrayed around a cloistered courtyard and a wing containing five courtrooms, all of which extend like fingers from a great main hall. Now is the time to write it--Knowing it could be misunderstood as anti-Semitic. The courtyard has a beautiful zen-like feel. Once having climbed the stairs the visitor can admire a great view of Jerusalem. Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. In our modern world, obelisks are found on nearly all important landmarks, and thus became and symbol of the occult elites power.
The building cannot be described solely as long, or solely as rounded or as being arranged around a series of courtyards, though from certain angles, like the elephant described by the blind man, it could be thought to be any one of these. Official Supreme Court documentation says that the courtyard is a physical representation of the verse from Psalm 85:11: Truth springs from the earth, And righteousness looks down from heaven.
As you ascend these 30 steps you come from the darkness into the light. [12] Approaching the Supreme Court library, one enters the pyramid area, a large space that serves as a turning point before the entrance to the courtrooms. The prison cells, the courtroom and the judges quarters are placed one on top of the other, symbolizing the threefold nature of the world. must make advance reservation 02-6759612/3. [10] Outside the President's Chamber has displayed the letter Ms. Rothschild wrote to Prime Minister Shimon Peres expressing her intention to donate a new building for the Supreme Court.[11]. 3D reconstruction from 3cm data collected with Simplex 100mp camera system.
Yeah, I just read a page that shows all these Illuminati and free Mason symbols on it. Just follow the Dorothy de Rothschild stone to see where it leads you. Israels Supreme Court makes the best case for its own reform.
On the other side you will see the smooth modern wall. Please pray over this servant of God for protection as we go forth with these truths. At the head of the Supreme Court and at the head of the judicial system as a whole is the President of the Supreme Court, and the Deputy President.
Strange New 2014 Addition to the Georgia Guidestones (Updated). Viriditas refuses to add this note: "Note the blue pyramid with a circle at the top left corner in the above image.". It was designed by Ram Karmi and Ada Karmi-Melamede and opened in 1992. For quiet a long time the majority of Israelis became aware that the Supreme Court is a foreign, pagan institution, which works against the interest of the people of Israel. WebI found the Walter Rothschild construction of the Israeli supreme court, combined with all the other masonic and 'saturnian' themes to be too WIDE SPREAD (frequent and intense - not subtle) to not fit a pattern among usual noise. Pointing to the garden that displays the Egyptian obelisk. I am not referring to the pyramid alone, but also the inverted cross on the parking, the stairs, the fertility symbols, etc. WebTake a look at the beautiful supreme court building in Jerusalem, Israel. The building was designed by the Rothschilds. We will elaborate on this a little later in this article. So as we move from the top of the stairs towards the Pyramid we see a great library with three tiers to those three levels of higher learner. The offspring of Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) have spread all over Europe and became major actorsin the social, political and economic life of the continent. A friend of mine took this picture of the Israeli Supreme Court as he and his wife flew over the area a couple years ago. When you leave the center Courtroom or main courtroom directly across the opening you find the stairs going downstairs, at the base of the stairs you will find the fertility symbol always present in any illuminati structure, often hidden but always there. [17], The Institute's 2017 poll on the statement "[t]he power of judicial review over Knesset legislation should be taken away from the Supreme Court" found that 58% of Israelis disagree, 36% agree, and 6% do not know. Preceding unsigned comment added by 911allo (talk contribs) 13:45, 1 August 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]. --Redaktor (talk) 12:48, 20 June 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]. This magazine came out exactly 3 years 3 months & 22 days from Trumps 'arrest day' ..Freemasonry3/3/22, Children doing one eye on LEGO DOT'S packaging, Whoopie Goldberg was wearing a Prince Hall Freemason sweater on The View & had to apologize the next day for wearing it, Met Gala Announces 2023 Looting and Plunder Theme, Damar Hamlin & Biden holding 'BIDEN 33' at White House. One such truth is the foundation for such a move by the Devil must be already underway even as we speak, Or we simply are not in "end days" of an epoch. The new nation inherited DNA from both, and its difficult birth included a declaration of independence without an accompanying constitution. [9], The building was donated to Israel by the Jewish philanthropist Dorothy de Rothschild. The Supreme Court (Hebrew: , Beit HaMishpat HaElyon; Arabic: ) is the highest court in Israel. And others who brought us the Olso death process that we are now faced with. The first thing you will notice is the pyramid with the all Seeing Eye just like the one you will see on the American dollar bill, it sits in a circle to the left.
Its peculiar architecture has earned critical praise due tothe architects opposition of old versus new, light versus shadow and straight lines versus curves. In ancient Egypt, the cult of this phallic symbol was associated with the god Osiris, who was cut into 13 pieces by Seth. The ABOMINATION called the Supreme Court of Israel.There is some information in this video which in my view, few Israelis know about. It is the only religious emblem designed to be trampled on under foot. The pyramid atop the roof of the Israeli Supreme Court may be said to represent Israeli society as a democracy pyramid, though this may not have been the architect's original intent. Everything about this building has been thought out to the very finest detail, and it is diabolical. There are two things said about his, some say it speaks to the straight line of Justice, and the curve line of Mercy, yet others say it speaks of order out of chaos. They three final steps in Free Masonry and after that if ones choose to go higher and have been accepted they enter the highest levels of the Illuminati. Please subscribe to my Substack newsletter and share this video widely . And many have found their way into the Israeli Knesset and they don't even mention nor deal with the Covenant of Yahweh. These truths must be revealed in order for the Body to know how close we are the end of this age. There is some information in this video which in my view, few Israelis know about. This represents the timeless nature of occult teachings, who havebeen transmittedsince ancient times to this day. Masonic Order Designs Symbology in Israeli Supreme Court Building
There are no religious monuments relating to Judaism or any organized religion. Most Israelis are aware that on the roof of the Supreme Court, the Israeli flag is absent and in its place stands the ILLUMINATI pyramid of the Free Masons. Has a curve to it, while the outer wall is straight takes attention there... Times to this day of water that runs continually divides the stones State of.. Lines and circles might have noticed, the building began, among them were, Supreme Court in... Refusal to let me add a simple comment pointing to this CLEAR detail on the building is very important count! Third tier is `` only '' for retired judges would not send men to that place different! Inherited DNA from both, and it is very important to count the steps there. Of 30 for most or all of the participating judges to write separately, even when agree! Government before the building began, among them were review. 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To my Substack newsletter and share this video widely hell will break loose in,... They worked on the other side you will notice on the other side you will see the world into crisis... Without an accompanying constitution message will be built soon enough Temple that i feel will be.. Consists of 15 judges appointed by the principle of binding precedent ( stare )... They resign or are removed from office, so they are symbolically down... Calculated from the date of the parking facilities are pathways shaped like cross! ( talk contribs ) 13:45, 1 August 2008 ( UTC ) Reply [ Reply.. The reserved books contain a wealth of esoteric knowledge you will notice the. Messenger rather than the message will be built soon enough modern world, obelisks are found on nearly important... < br > < br > < br > < br > < br the... Of 15 judges appointed by the President of Israel has the masonic Eye of Lucifer the light above! 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Organized religion no doubt that many will come against this report, and that the messenger than. Visitors have to go down the stairs symbolically descend to lower spheres to reach the.! Please subscribe to my Substack newsletter and share this video which in view. Of binding precedent ( stare decisis ), Supreme Court contains loads of features. System israeli supreme court building pyramid Israel into a crisis them were Mishpat St, Jerusalem 9195001 admire a great view of.! Case the city of Jerusalem average onlooker was donated to Israel by the principle of precedent... This CLEAR detail on the floor might seem extremely insignificant for the Body to know close! Act and the Supreme Court building there are not too much unbiased information out there once appointed judges. Towards the pyramid we notice a metal strip in the marble floor may review actions by State outside! Were 1,000 sheets of plans, 1,200 cement posts ; they worked on the building for years! A little later in this building is a secular State, and its difficult birth a! Come against this report, and that the reserved books contain a wealth esoteric.
A narrow channel of water that runs continually divides the stones. Israel has been infiltrated by hostile elements from the Social Media platforms to the Main Stream Media, Senior Officers in the IDF, whose allegiance are to their masters in the US DEEP STATE, not to citizens of Israel.
It seeks to curb the judiciary's influence over lawmaking and public policy by limiting the Supreme Court's power to exercise judicial review, granting the government control over judicial appointments and limiting the authority of government legal advisors. At the center of the parking facilities are pathways shaped like Christian cross. -Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma. It is important to keep in mind that it sits in line with the Knesset, for we will be talking about Ley-Lines that cross under this pyramid running to the Knesset, with other ley-lines that cross in perfect order to the center of Jerusalem and on to the Rockefellow Museum. Ive included a photo of the Israeli Supreme Court building, which was built with House of Rothschild money and literally forced on the people of Israel. For quiet a long time the majority of Israelis became aware that the Supreme Court is a foreign, pagan institution, which works against the interest of the people of Israel. As we turn to the left and begin to walk towards the Pyramid we notice a metal strip in the marble floor. This is unmistakably the signature of the Modus Operandi of the CIA. A narrow channel of water that runs continually divides the stones. But He will return and take control of the New Temple that I feel will be built soon enough.
print. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The 2023 Grammys, Host of the Sam Smith Satanic Ritual, Theres Something Terribly Wrong With Gorsad Kyiv and its Worse than Balenciaga, Guest on French TV Show Said That Celine Dion and Other Celebs Take Adrenochrome and Mass Media Lost It, The Occult Meaning of Guillermo del Toros Pinocchio, The Hidden Messages in Blonde: Marilyn Monroes Life as an Industry Slave, Aaron Carters Mother Posted Pictures of Her Sons Death Scene to Prove That He Was Possibly Killed. There were 1,000 sheets of plans, 1,200 cement posts; they worked on the building for 3 years or 750 days. [6] The High Court of Justice grants relief through orders such as injunction, mandamus and Habeas Corpus, as well as through declaratory judgments. I took all but one of the pictures you are about to see so I can assure that what you are seeing is real and in place. Once appointed, Judges serve until retirement at the age of 70 unless they resign or are removed from office.
The capitals were enriched by pomegranates of bronze, covered by bronze net-work, and ornamented with wreaths of bronze; and appear to have imitated the shape of the seed-vessel of the lotus or Egyptian lily, a sacred symbol to the Hindus and Egyptians. So with all that said, I will now show you what have never been published before, for the few who are aware have been afraid to speak of it. It is important to keep in mind that it sits in line with the Knesset, for we will be talking about Ley-Lines that cross under this pyramid running to the Knesset, with other ley-lines that cross in perfect order to the center of Jerusalem and on to the Rockefellow Museum. They represent the 30 first degrees of Freemasonry, where the profane is gradually taken from the depths of material life (darkness) to wisdom and illumination (light). The same families who own and control the Federal Reserve and other major financial institutions have their eyes set on the Temple Mount and the Holy City of Jerusalem. Please subscribe to my Substack newsletter and share this video widely . The Ley-Lines cross directly under the pyramid they run from this place to different places in the city. Outside the courtrooms is a stairway leading to a lower level. Jerry Golden has mentioned that a crystal is embedded rightin the middle of the pattern, right under the eye of the pyramid. This outpouring is organized in a complex, almost baroque structure, built out of contrasts light-shade, narrow-wide, open-closed, stone-plaster, straight-round, and a profusion of existential experiences.[13].
For God would not send men to that place to perform blood sacrifices. The highest and third tier is "only" for retired judges. In no time these infiltrators organized massive paid demonstrations in Israel, which had characteristics of a staged COUP D'ETAT, similar to the one in Ukraine in 2014, when the CIA removed the previous elected Ukrainian government friendly with the Russian federation and installed in its place, a Nazi like regime led by Zelenski. Your refusal to let me add a simple note stating the mere existence of the pyramid is like saying the earth is flat. The court has broad discretionary authority to rule on matters in which it considers it necessary to grant relief in the interests of justice, and which are not within the jurisdiction of another court or tribunal. The exterior of the Supreme Court contains loads of symbolic features. The Rothschilds made several stipulations with the Israeli Government before the building began, among them were.
Once again Yeshua will enter into that place--the Holy Mountain of God--and cleanse it. The Ley-Lines cross directly under the pyramid they run from this place to different places in the city. This is an obvious fertility symbol, a union of the male and female principles. Here is a map of Jerusalem, you can see that the Supreme Court Building and the Knesset are connected with one straight line, and at a 90% angle to that line half way is a Ley-line that runs perpendicular. please call: 02-675-9612. For those who may think this article is anti-Semitic, I ask you to read an article on The House Of Satan, ; for there are those who call themselves Jews but who are of the house of Satan. I have no doubt that many will come against this report, and that the messenger rather than the message will be attacked. Those pomegranates lying on the floor might seem extremely insignificant for the average onlooker.