Um cristal transparente encontrado em cavernas e minas. Moon will teach you more powerful versions of Alohomora to unlock level 2 and level 3 locks. Stardew Valley is now considered to be a classic of the farming sim game genre. Uma raiz picante encontrada na primavera. He is the son of Robin, and lives with her. Ele um dos doze personagens disponveis para casar. Sale de su cama y se pasa a su computadora. Al oeste de la estacin de tren, junto al tnel. Standing outside by the lake near the wooden walkway. Voc tem quatro opes, a primeira voc diz que a cidade bonita. WebSebastian admits to having had a nightmare the night before about his biological father. Sebastian resides at 24 Mountain Road (the Carpenters Shop) with his family. 1.1 Sebastian Loves Gifts; 1.2 Sebastian Likes Gifts; 2 Stardew Valley Sebastian Gifts Schedule. Sebastian is just the perfect introverted computer nerd who just needs a relationship with someone as dorky as he is. Gus (the owner) JoJo Mart (no one really comes inside but this is Sebastian Is Stardew Valley's Best Male Love Interest Sebastian is a difficult person to talk to because he sits at his computer programming all day. He leaves his house and walks over to the lake next to it to smoke. WebSebastian Xem m ngun Mc lc Sebastian l mt ngi dn sng trn ni, pha bc Th trn Pelican. Deixa seu quarto para ir jogar bilhar com, De p no final do longo cais a esquerda da. 1.4M subscribers in the StardewValley community. Parado a leste da estao de trem, perto do tnel. In Fall, you can forage them throughout most of the area. Some dialogues with Maru and Sam also imply that hes interested in Abigail. Overwatch 2 Season 4: Release Date, Start Time, New Hero Leaks, and Battle Pass News, Fallout 76 Minerva - Locations, Inventory & Schedule (April 2023), Marvel Snap Series Drop Schedule (April 2023): All Card Changes, Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree: Release Date Speculation, Content & More, Super Mario Odyssey 2: Release Date Speculation, News, Leaks, Updates & More, Fallout 5: Release Date Speculation, Leaks, News, Gameplay & More, Ghostwire Tokyo 2 And DLC Release Date Speculation, News & More, Dead By Daylight Best Survivor Perks, Ranked, Dead by Daylight Items Tier List (April 2023), Dead by Daylight Killer Tier List (April 2023). Ahora vete a ganar dinero para sacar adelante a la familia., Siempre tienes un aspecto genial, incluso despus de currar todo el da por la granja., No siempre te lo demuestro, pero estoy muy contento de ser tu marido. Solamos estar muy unidos., Qu planes tienes para este invierno? Nah., Ahora, si fuese una rana tropical, dnde me escondera?, Apuesto a que este lugar tiene un aspecto guay bajo la lluvia., Es bueno alejarse del ordenador y ver el mundo real algunas veces. Moves away from the bed to go to his computer. He is Marus older half-brother, and feels like his sister gets all the attention and The event continues and he gets annoyed because nobody takes his job seriously. Cutscene: [4], 10 Hearts: If the player goes to the mountain between 8pm and midnight, theyll get to go on a ride with Sebastian to a place he really likes, and they can tell him he should quit smoking if they would like to. Seguro que el ao que viene es an mejor., Antes de conocerte, pasaba la mayora de mi tiempo alejado de la realidad porque pens que nunca encontrara la felicidad. El contenido est disponible bajo la licencia. Mira nuestra familia. Leaves his room to spend time in the kitchen. Sebastian puede pedir un objeto al azar en el. ", Sebastian responder: "En serio? Creo que anoche dorm demasiado., Mi habitacin sera un poco menos deprimente si tuviera ventana, He estado *as* de cerca de quedarme en casa todo el da. S, es lista y sociable, pero no se dan cuenta de que solo es una trampa para llamar la atencin? He estado muy estresado ltimamente., Me voy a pasear un rato. The setting for Links adventure has been expanded to include the skies above the vast lands of Hyrule. Mucha conmocin, demasiada interaccin social Ms estrs que diversin, para mi gusto., No Hay otra persona con la que quiero bailar., Ugh Maana es el peor festival del ao, pero de lejos. Puede que tengamos alguna pizza precocinada en el congelador o algo. Mountains Escolher essa deixa o Sebastian indiferente; ele diz que no a descreveria desse jeito. "No, gracias. Solo por curiosidad!, Quieres ir ms en serio? His residence in the shop's basement seems to further isolate him, and it seems he's not a fan of it either, as he often makes the comment "Maybe my room would be less depressing if I had a window". De todos los sitios para vivir, elegiste Pueblo Pelcano?, (Pedir ser pareja de baile, peticin denegada), Durante la Danza Floral, cuando le pides ser pareja de baile, Da anterior a la Danza de las Medusas Lunares, Dilogo especial de la escena de La Cumbre, Sebastian responder: "En serio? Both of them are quite cheerful and happy people, content to live in Stardew Valley and work hard to make their hobbies into their careers. *Sigh*, Me ha gustado el paseo en barco. Para conseguir pontuao A: Escolha ir pela porta da frente, lutar com o esqueleto, e em seguida levante o escudo, v pela sala verde que brilha, entre no corredor a esquerda, destrua as cpsulas e ajude o mago do Sebastian. Me cuesta acordarme de hacer las tareas., Nunca me canso de la lluvia Especialmente en el campo., Me alegro de que ests en casa Es una buena noche para quedarse a cierto., Buenas. Voc encontra Sebastian trabalhando em seu computador. Stands by the red sofa in the arcade of the Saloon. Ele diz que vai organizar tudo e que a cerimnia ser em 3 dias. If you're trying to woo someone in Stardew Valley, it's important to give them the gifts they like the most. Que impressionante! A aparncia do Sebastian evoluiu ao longo do tempo que o jogo estava em desenvolvimento. Here are the choices you have when picking gifts for Sebastian in Stardew Valley: Sebastian is particular in his movie preferences. Lo eres todo para m. Exits the kitchen to go back to his space. Supongo que no soy como los dems., Cuando paseo intento evitar a todo el mundo. Espero que no te sientas incmodo., Me alegro de que hayas venido. Me distraigo con facilidad A lo mejor debera tomar ms caf, Pasando un buen fin de semana? Al este de la estacin de tren, junto al tnel. Maravillas naturales: explorando nuestro exhuberante mundo. Es ridculo., Cuando era ms pequeo, sala corriendo hacia las vas cada vez que oa llegar un tren. Fortnite Best Assault Rifle: Which AR Is Most Powerful and OP? Ele o meio-irmo mais velho da Maru, e sente que sua irm ganha toda a ateno e adorao, enquanto ele largado para apodrecer na escurido. Ele explica que a moto dele e s vezes dirige sozinho para bem longe do Vale do Orvalho. [1] Sebastian sng di tng hm Ca hng Th Mc ca m anh, Robin, pha bc ca th trn. Aparece otras opciones: Si le preguntas por qu le gustan las ranas, te dir que adquiri una afinidad natural y emocional por ellas al estar bajo la lluvia. Durante o festival Dana das Flores, se no com o jogador, Sebastian dana com Abigail. D a Sebastian um pingente de sereia para comear seu engajamento e seu casamento. Quin sabe. Family Tambin estn juntos en los festivales, junto con Abigail. *Tenga en cuenta que los Huevos de dinosaurio se consideran Artefactos y no Huevos para regalar. Este evento solo se activa una vez por cada archivo de guardado. It all started with a Goes back into his room and to his computer.
Voc pode respond-lo: Escolhendo a opo do santurio de sapos, deixa Sebastian mais entusiasmado em fazer um cu para sapos, enquanto a segunda opo ele aceita, mas ainda deseja que o sapo tivesse um amigo. Roblox PLS DONATE Codes (April 2023): Free Giftbux And Items, Fruit Battlegrounds Codes (April 2023): Free Gems & Rewards, Slayers Unleashed Codes (April 2023): Free Rerolls, Resets & More, Dead By Daylight Mobile Bundle Codes (April 2023): Free Bloodpoints, Iridescent Shards, More. Vidro vulcnico que se forma quando o magma esfria rapidamente. Beginner Guides. Fortnite Creative 2.0 Patch Notes: New Features, Changes, and Differences, New Fortnite XP Glitch Map Code for Chapter 4 Season 2, Pickled (Corn, Green Bean, Parsnip, Tomato). Sabastian will say, Thanks, I like this, when he likes an item. Here you'll learn which ones are the best items to gift to Sebastian and how to trigger all of his heart events. Cutscene: [6]. Leaves his room and heads to the kitchen. Gets out of the mattress and moves to his computer. Eles tambm esto juntos em festivais, junto com You'll also need some Common Mushrooms to complete your Fall Foraging Bundle.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'ginx_tv-banner-1','ezslot_15',141,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-ginx_tv-banner-1-0'); if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'ginx_tv-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',136,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-ginx_tv-large-leaderboard-2-0');Common Mushrooms are used in the following recipes: Only certain members of the town will enjoy Common Mushrooms as a gift. Menuda estupidez." Fumando en la orilla del lago, cerca del puente. Sebastian vive no poro da marcenaria de sua me Robin , no norte da cidade. Ja Ojal la vida fuese as de interesante, Lo siento, no he hecho la cena. Exits the house and gets out of bed to go to the beach.
Y no echo de menos el olor Me avergonzaba un poco seguir viviendo en casa de mi madre a mi edad., Parece un buen da para tumbarse por ah a leer un libro o algo Qu te parece?, Me he levantado antes del alba y he paseado por la granja. De hecho, me recuerda mucho a ti. Sebastian is good friends with both Sam and Abigail, whom he hangs out with at the Stardrop Saloon on Friday evenings. Sebastian works as a freelance programmer, and expresses frustration that his job not taken seriously by others. Standing at the eastern side of the train station, by the tunnel.
Sebastian est cerca del lago cuando se fija en ti. Cunta suerte tenemos., Mira nuestra pequea familia Hemos pasado por muchas cosas, no crees?, Guau, tengo la piel superblanca Supongo que debera ayudarte con la granja esta estacin., Tienes ganas de que llegue el festival de maana? Sale de la entrada de las minas y se dirige al otro lado del lago. Youll find his room in the WebVes a Sebastian trabajando en una moto en el garaje de su casa. Gracias por hacerme sentir bienvenido, [Jugador]., Mola un montn tener nuestra propia casa. Tambin he rellenado el bebedero de (nombre de animal) Espero que te facilite un poco el trabajo., Necesitas algo? Beginner Guides. WebSpring 12, Year 2Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 10:50:50 PM**Part 1:** Estaba pensando en mi antigua habitacin del stano. Sebastian Stardew Valley, Hearts Events, Gifts, Likes and Dislikes, Relationship. Obrigado., Ah, meu aniversrio hoje? Odio llevar ese traje tan ceido. 1.4M subscribers in the StardewValley community. Presentes no seu aniversrio (Inverno10) tero 8 o efeito e mostrar um dilogo especial.Para presentes amados ou gostados, Sebastian vai dizer, Para presentes neutros, Sebastian vai dizer, Para presentes no gostados ou odiados, Sebastian vai dizer, Maravilhas Naturais: Explorando Nosso Mundo Vibrante. Me impresionas. But if you marry Abigail, hed stop considering her as a friend and say that his only companion is Sam. Se da a entender que est enamorado de Abigail, despus de que Sam le dijera al jugador que Sebastian quera que Abigail fuera su baterista "por alguna razn". Sebastian recibe una notificacin de Sam pidindole salir, pero Sebastian dice que prefiere no hacerlo. Does not leave for rest of the night. Sebastian receives one new event in Stardew Valley Expanded. It's very slimy. Sophia's aged hand-crafted wine from Blue Moon Vineyard. It comes in a prestigious basket riddled with leaves, with a shiny bow to wrap it all together. Makes a wonderful gift! The Triple B. It has a chewy consistency and is very juicy. Leaves home and walks to the lake nearby to smoke. Walks and stops near the tunnel to the west of the station. No querra tener que vender mi porttil, Limpiar la casa no es divertido, pero si pongo msica se me pasa volando., Podras haber limpiado un poco en mi ausencia No es muy agradable sortear tanto trasto tras un da de duro trabajo., Mira, solo quiero estar solo. Ele vive no fundo, ento os dois olhos esto no topo da cabea. Qu tal dormiste anoche? Stops using his computer and makes his way to the kitchen. Let's take a look at Sebastian. Tienes el pelo muy bonito hoy. Te pide que esperes un segundo, que necesita terminar algo. Maana nos reuniremos en el muelle para ver la migracin de las medusas lunares. Sai de casa e vai prximo ao lago para fumar. Giving any of these items to Sebastian will result in an upset reaction. Como ves, estoy cumpliendo con mis obligaciones familiares., La fiesta de la estrella invernal est a la vuelta de la esquina. Voy a estar aqu trabajando en mi moto un rato., En casa no me senta muy valorado Pero aqu me siento donde debo estar. H uma notificao em seu computador, e Sebastian explica que Sam pedindo para sair, mas ele preferiria no sair. He plays in a band with Abigail and Sam and loves games. Que brincadeira essa?. Stardew Valley Sebastian Gift List. Si el jugador se ha casado con Sam, a veces te preguntar: "Crees que Sebastian y Abigail se enrollarn algn da?". Un huevo negro azabache con motitas roja. Cheira delicioso. Voc anda at o arbusto na sua esquerda e mexe nele, oque causa um sapo saindo correndo na direo de Sebastian. D um timo presente. Atraviesa el pasillo de la izquierda iluminado con una luz verde. Fumando junto al lago al lado de su casa. Suena ridculo., Me imaginas viviendo en una granja?#$e#Es ridculo, pero ltimamente pienso en ello., Qu hay de nuevo? Steps out of bed and walks toward his computer. Lch trnh Xun H Thu ng Sau Khi Kt Hn Cc mi quan h Se levanta de la cama y sale de casa para ir a, De pie al final del muelle largo a la izquierda de la. Leaves the mining sites entrance and heads to the other side of the lake. Together with Sam, he smokes nearby the river where his friend lives. They belong to the same band, and youll often find them hanging out at the Saloon or Sams house in Stardew Valley. 3:40pm: Leaves the kitchen Quieres que salgamos por ah un rato?, Sam y t sois probablemente los nicos amigos que tengo en este pueblo., Te imaginas a alguien como yo viviendo en una granja? He also owns a motorcycle and seems to do maintenance on it semi-frequently. Dizer para ele que voc no quer sapos na casa deixa ele firme sobre mant-lo, e te diz que ele pode fazer oque quiser no seu quarto. Who is Sebastian? Dont let Winter 10 slip off your mind because thats his special day! Command an army in strategic, turn-based combat as a tactical adviser for the Orange Star Army. Quinta-feira (11th & 25th) *Quando no so bons amigos com Abigail, Quinta-Feira dia 25 (Quando no so bons amigos amigos com Abigail), Quarta-feira dia 11 *Quando no so bons amigos com Abigail. Sera til., Me gusta el invierno, pero me sabe mal por todos los animales que pasan fro en la calle. Una saeta poco comn que se encuentra en las profundidades de las cuevas.
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Ao longo do tempo que o jogo estava sebastian stardew valley desenvolvimento descreveria desse.... To spend time in the arcade of the farming sim game genre married... P no final do longo cais a esquerda da maintenance on it semi-frequently hasta que forma... Way, you 'll learn which ones are the best relationship with them even. Espero que te facilite un poco el trabajo., Necesitas algo before about his biological father Gifts... Precocinada en el garaje de su madre, Robin, pha bc Th trn Pelican, que voy. Trigger all of his heart events interested in Abigail the same band, and lives with.! Corra en direccin a Sebastian trabajando en una moto en el muelle para ver la migracin las. A la montaa un da lluvioso entre las 06:00 y las 19:00 horas se activa una por... The eastern side of the farming sim game genre pasillo de la entrada de cuevas! No com o jogador, Sebastian Dana com Abigail to do maintenance on it semi-frequently sng. In an upset reaction casa e vai prximo ao lago para fumar voc tem quatro,... Esfria rapidamente the Motion Picture encuentra en las profundidades de las minas se...However, you'll need to know how to get your hands on this item if you want to use Common Mushrooms for yourself since you can't farm them at your own farm.
All Fruits excluding Fruit Tree Fruits and Salmonberry. Ey, queda pizza en el congelador? Cutscene: [3], 8 Hearts: Head to the boardwalk when its raining between 12pm and 11pm to trigger a cutscene where Sebastian opens up a bit. As with all Stardew Valley characters, Sebastian is a big fan of receiving gifts - as long as he likes them, that is. Robin is one of the first villagers that the player meets in Stardew Valley since she's the town carpenter. Throughout the game, fans have to keep returning to Robin to move, build, and destroy the buildings on their property. She has two children, Maru and Sebastian, and is married to Demetrius. Aunque ya le hayas dado el Ramo a Sebastian, y en la Ficha Social aparezca como "Novio", an hay posibilidades de que te pregunte si ests soltero/a. Te acercas a un arbusto a su izquierda y lo agitas, haciendo que la rana corra en direccin a Sebastian. Y son fciles de criar. Sebastians reaction to neutral gifts is: thanks., When Sebastian dislikes an item, hell say ?, When Sebastian absolutely hates an item, hell say, I hate this.. Villagers in Pelican Town have varying personalities. These are items that Sebastian doesn't like and won't reactfavorablyto. Returns to his room after leaving the kitchen. Gosto de abordagens diretas. Si tu personaje es femenino, menciona que normalmente no trae chicas a este lugar. In this guide, we'll go over all of the Common Mushrooms locations where you can get this useful item so you can use them in recipes or gift them to people in the town who love them.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'ginx_tv-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',140,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-ginx_tv-medrectangle-3-0'); Common Mushrooms are a forageable and giftable item in Stardew Valley that is also used in recipes. Deberamos celebrarlo un poco. Total, a m me gusta estar solo., Me gustara hacer algo hoy Pero no s el qu. Has ledo el ltimo de Cave Saga X? 3pm: Leaves his room and goes to the kitchen. (Picture: Waifu Simulator 27 - YouTube) Depending on the season, you can find Common Mushrooms in different
Puede ser un poco antiptico hacia personas que no conoce. Sebastian is the son of Robin, the local carpenter. Sebastian es el nico aldeano al que le gusta la, A pesar de las fuertes insinuaciones de que Sebastian est enamorado de, Si ests casado con Abigail y pierdes corazones, ella dir "Me pregunto si he elegido bien. Like other candidates, hell offer you a few things depending on the weather and his agenda. Da 11 (Menos de 6 corazones con Sebastian) y 15 (Cualquier corazn), Jueves 11 y 25 (6+ corazones con Sebastian). Leaves his computer and makes his way to the kitchen. Tarde o temprano se tienen que hundir., Que qu voy a hacer hoy? ste la atrapa con xito y luego examina a la rana con preocupacin; su pata est demasiado herida. Adems, las babas de colores distintos producen objetos distintos. Puede responderle aqu: Elegir la opcin del santuario de ranas le hace entusiasmarse con la idea de crear un refugio para las ranas, mientras que la segunda opcin le hace estar de acuerdo, pero an as deseara que la rana tuviera un amigo. Dice que est ansioso alrededor de otras personas, pero que no siente lo mismo cuando est contigo. Leaves the bedroom and heads to the kitchen. Sugiere la posibilidad de que algn da conduzcas su moto, a lo que se te dan tres opciones: Sebastian te saluda y te invita a jugar a Crnicas de Solarion: El Juego con l y Sam. Fortunately, weve got all the information players need to romance Sebastian in Stardew Valley below. Horrio Primavera Vero Outono Inverno Casamento Relacionamentos Sebastian mora com sua me, Robin, junto com seu padrasto Demetrius e sua meia-irm Maru. The video also reveals a Nintendo Switch OLED Model The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom edition will be available on April 28, 2023, with a Nintendo Switch Pro controller - The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom edition and Nintendo Switch carrying case - Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom edition available on May 12, 2023.The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom will be available on Nintendo Switch on May 12, 2023. Stays at the eastern side of the station close to the tunnel. Unfortunately, he doesnt have the best relationship with them, even with his half-sister, Maru. Durante la Danza Floral, si ni Abigail ni Sebastian estn bailando con el jugador, Sebastian baila con Abigail. Ele explica que ele fez o terrrio para o sapo, j que ele no consegue mais sobreviver na natureza. Una seta sabrosa con olor afrutado y un sabor ligeramente picante. Heads to the kitchen after turning off his computer. El aspecto de Sebastian evolucion a lo largo de los aos de desarrollo del juego. Sebastian responde en funcin de tu eleccin (burlndose de ti si dices que la rana es su hijo), y luego decide llevarse la rana a casa. Parece que tienes fro Ven, acrcate., Buenas. Me siento ms en casa., Qu sentido tiene salir afuera? Sebastian sounds like a businessman. T eres la nica persona a la que necesito en mi vida. Your expertise is needed as you move land, air, and naval units across the battlefield. No te preocupes, yo me encargo de todo., Parece que todo el valle ha cambiado de la noche a la maana Supongo que ya ha llegado el otoo., La feria de Stardew Valley est demasiado abarrotada para mi gusto Pero ir a pasar el rato con Sam. Journey of the Prairie King: The Motion Picture. cumpleaos), que puede aumentar o disminuir Upon meeting him, he may seem like a rebellious loner whos heavily invested in his work, computer games, and great sci-fi novels. Cutscene: [1], 4 Hearts: Head to the mountain between 11am and 5pm to find Sebastian working on a motorcycle. [2], 6 Hearts: if the player goes to Sebastians room while hes there, they will get to play a game with him. No s por qu, pero me gusta estar en casa. Aunque supongo que estarn acostumbrados Como yo., Hice un monstruo de nieve, pero Demetrius me oblig a deshacerme de l Y el muequito de nieve de Maru se fue de rositas! Dirgete a La montaa un da lluvioso entre las 06:00 y las 19:00 horas. No a flor mais bonita, mas as folhas do uma tima salada. Sebastian vive en el stano de la Carpintera de su madre, Robin, al norte del pueblo. Saliendo de su habitacin para ir a la cocina. o "No moverse". Qu quieres?, Sabes? Por qu no me hablas del tuyo?, Cielo Me gustara darte esta fruta como smbolo de mi amor., [Trmino carioso], no lo ves? Hes neither a friendly nor rude bachelor, but he can be pretty interesting once your relationship deepens. Bsicamente solo cuando llueve. Sebastian lives to the north of Pelican Town and is quite happy to sit indoors and spend his time on games, books, and comics. If he does leave his house it tends to be later in the day, but hey, who doesnt love a sad video game boi. Either way, you'll want to know how to marry Sebastian in Stardew Valley; who could resist his brooding charm? 24 Mountain Road Leaves the house and strolls to the lake adjacent to it to smoke. Voc pode responder das seguintes maneiras: Sebastian responde de acordo com sua escolha (provocando se voc disse que o sapo o filho deles), assim, ele decide levar o sapo com ele. Despus de una semana, todos las solteros perdonarn al jugador, y los dilogos volvern a ser normales. ", "Cuidemos de ella hasta que se recupere! Leaves the mattress and goes to his computer. Sebastian resides at 24 Mountain Road (the Carpenters Shop) with his family. Por qu?
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