Were going on a family road trip and I would like us to wear tshirts that says The Delacruz Family Vacation or The Delacruz Road Trip . As the rule above states, To show plural possession of a name ending in s, ch, or z, form the plural first; then immediately use the apostrophe.The Furnesses is correct if you are referring to the plural possessive in the phrase the Furnesses house.. I ordered a Christmas plaque for my sister and her husband which says. Then the plural is formed by adding -es. Lopez is the father of the Lopezes; The possessive form of such plurals is formed by adding just an apostrophe to the end. To show plural possession, make the proper noun plural first, then use the apostrophe. I am trying to make a flyer for our school, which is named Maplewood Heights. WebProfessor Lpez's main interest is general linguistic theory with special concentrations on syntax, morphology and information structure. Delivered to your inbox! I am ordering personalized hot pads for my daughter and her future husband. Using Apostrophes with Last Names Ending in. Technically, what youre saying is, The Simms home or The Simms family. Eg Mackintosh? I think it should be plural possessive.
the Sanchezes children. Or perhaps the former would be just MEEZ-IZ-IZ? To show plural possession, make the proper noun plural first, then use the apostrophe. Unrelated comments may be deleted. I am having hanging family planner personalized for our home and just wanted to make sure that I am correct. pehs. ) You may find our July 1, 2013, reply to Felicia helpful. Gonzlez-Vilbazo, K. 2005. What is the non-possessive plural form of this? Copyright by Jane Straus/GrammarBook.com. Is this correct? 9 submissions from all over the world agree the name Lopez means "Wolf" and is of Spanish origin. Ayer fuimos a un concierto de Jennifer Lpez.Yesterday we went to a Jennifer Lopez concert. Or should I say The Swartzes? The plural form of the proper noun Lopez is Lopezes. In your first examples, the word Yates is being used as an adjective to describe Clan and House. for example I have to do a sign that says Christmas at the Inglis but I am unsure how I should end this, would it be Inglis or Ingliss or Inglises? Their last name is Ortiz. Then the plural is formed by adding -es. As in the aircraft, or more specifically, multiples of the aircraft?! WebBy convention, names from classical mythology and the Bible ending in s show possession with the apostrophe only (Jesus teachings). Roberta asked him for a raise, and Mr. Lopez agreed. I am making a sign that says. If a teachers last name is Lopes do you write Ms. Lopes class to show possession? There is no possessive in your sentence; therefore, no apostrophe is necessary. WebRoberta asked Mr. Lopez for a raise, and he agreed. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Sign up to receive the FREE weekly GrammarBook.com E-Newsletter. The plural of Coons is Coonses. But what happens when you have a plural possessive of this family name, i.e We took care of the Feneches dogs. I want to order a balloon with a message to say Chelsea and Lewiss Formal 2019. -. Our Last Name is Muniz, and I was going to get some invitations done for my little girls party, but I was not sure what the proper way to write The Munizs Castle, The Munizes Castle, please help! Send us corrections Comments 0. How is it best to show possession of Coons? This will represent more than one person. The morphosyntax of wh-questions: evidence from Spanish-English codeswitching. Now that I look at an earlier response it looks like Silas or Silass are acceptable. WebPronunciation of Lopez Phonetic Spelling: [ l OH - p eh z ] l: OH-p: eh: z; let: so : pet: pet: zen: Click on the Play button to listen to how Lopez is pronounced. The plural form of the proper noun Lopez is Lopezes. This too is standard. proper noun. WebA submission from Nevada, U.S. says the name Lopez means "Lopez descended from Latin word 'lope' meaning wolf" and is of Latin origin. 3. WebA submission from Nevada, U.S. says the name Lopez means "Lopez descended from Latin word 'lope' meaning wolf" and is of Latin origin. To show possession using an apostrophe, add s for individuals (Smiths car) and just the apostrophe after the s for plurals (the Smiths car, the Martinezes dog). Names are proper nouns, which become plurals the same way that other nouns do: add the letter -s for most names (the Johnsons, the Websters) or add -es if the name ends in s or z (the Joneses, the Martinezes). WebTo form the possessive of a proper noun ending in an s or z sound, some people use apostrophe + s, as in Perezs and Burns's, and others prefer an apostrophe alone, as in Perez and Burns's. Roberta asked Mr. Lopez for a raise, and Mr. Lopez agreed. The Kurz est. A house belonging to the Peterson family: the Petersons house (the noun forming the possessive is Petersons, so add ). Going with -'s is the more common choice: the car that belongs to Jones Jones's car or Jones' car. How would I write this? The Rodriguezes wedding The wedding of the Rodriguezes. To make a plural of a surname ending in a vowel such as Kawamoto would it be the Kawamotos or the Kawamotos? As the post states, To show plural possession of a name ending in s, ch, or z, form the plural first; then immediately use the apostrophe.. Here are some examples of how to treat four family names. Also, I am doing another with the surname Marshall; so is it Christmas at the Marshalls, Marshalls, or Marshalls? Karsiess Classroom but have always been hesitant to do that based on the fear that OTHERS would think that Im writing it incorrectly. First, should I use the possessive form, as in The Buckleses (home) or the plural of us as a couple, as in (we are) The Buckleses? We would lean toward writing Weisss and Denniss since thats how we would say it, but your method is fine, too. I am ordering a personalized wall plaque for a wine cellar that reads The Krampitzes Wine Cellar. As the post states, to show plural possession of a name ending in s, ch, or z, form the plural first; then immediately use the apostrophe. 2020 The Kurzes est. Thank you so much for clarifying the pluralization rule for names ending in a silent s. Id been puzzling over this one! 9 submissions from all over the world agree the name Lopez means "Wolf" and is of Spanish origin. As the post indicates, either is acceptable. WebRoberta asked Mr. Lopez for a raise, and he agreed. e.g. Great Big List of Beautiful and Useless Words, Vol. If you dont know the family, follow your own instincts, because this is a wash. For names ending in s or es and having two or more syllables, you usually just add an apostrophe. The final rule and examples applied correctly to your example can result only in The Miseses home., My surname is Spinks and i would like to personalise a christmas card that say Seasons greeting from the Spinkss is that correct or should it be the Spinks, You will want to write, Seasons greetings from the Spinkses.. If I made a plaque would I use for a last name Leritz Leritzes or Leritzs or something else? How should that be punctuated? I am ordering a personalized item with my friend and her sons name on it. I am personalizing gifts for christmas I am Abit confused as to how I would do the Last name of Hust? However, our personal preference is to write it the way we pronounce it: Schwartzs. (Straus), 2. Im certainly not suggesting that we should omit the syllable when speaking (Jarvis and Jarvis would then be indistinguishable); rather, what I find troubling is the fact that some writers opt for the cleaner look of dropping the s at the expense of creating a whole new category of pronunciation anomaly. WebProfessor Lpez's main interest is general linguistic theory with special concentrations on syntax, morphology and information structure. Our family name is Inamdar. Is this correct? Or for a more extreme example, consider Mr and Mrs Mises, whose name is pronounced MEEZ-IZ. Send us corrections Comments 0. I am making a plaque for someone whose last name is Tantoulous. Gonzlez-Vilbazo, K. 2005. For the location, would The Swartz Family Home be correct? Welcome to the Dreweses Home. My, that is Jarris, pen thanks you. Hendersons refers to more than one person; therefore, the apostrophe should go after the s. How do you punctuate possesion if the name ends with an s like Chris or Rus? Examples: Rule: To show singular possession of a name ending inch,addson the end of the name. As the post states, To show singular possession of a name ending in s or z, some writers add just an apostrophe. This rule is actually much simpler than most people make it to be. Therefore, Christmas at the Crosses is correct. One friend countered with the question, What if his name was actually Jesu? The book introduces key notions in minimalism and distributed morphology, making them accessible to readers with different scholarly foci. Examples: What is the correct grammar for a wedding?Would it be The Rodriguezes or the The Rodriguezs? We would lean toward writing Gonzalezs since that is how we would say it. Wiki User. Die Syntax des Code-Switching. The 2016 GSSS was significantly longer than the 2013 and the 2009 GSSSes? As the post states, To show plural possession of a name ending in s, ch, or z, form the plural first; then immediately use the apostrophe. The plural possessive is the Wuertzes. His last name is Jones. See Rule 1a of Apostrophes. This letter is to inform you of Mr. Rodriguezes (Rodriguezs or Rodriguez) progress? We did not advise her to write the Joneses family, but we did reply that a personalized item could be painted with the Joneses, for multiple people with the last name Jones. My parents recd an outdoor plaque for their new home. Apostrophes with Names Ending in s, ch, or z | The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation. WebUnited States v. Lopez, legal case in which the U.S. Supreme Court on April 26, 1995, ruled (54) that the federal Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 was unconstitutional because the U.S. Congress, in enacting the legislation, had exceeded its authority under the commerce clause of the Constitution. Others also add another s. The best advice is to choose a formula and stay consistent. There are conflicting rules about how to show possession when writing names that end in s. Some writers and editors add only an apostrophe to all nouns ending in s. And some add s to every proper noun. But I am very confused on if it would be Kellz Thrifty Closet or Kellzs Thrifty Closet. My sons name is Jarvis He is about to start kindy and my wife want to make a sign is it Jarvis first day of kindy or Jarvises first day of kindy. trying to order a pre ink stamp , not sure the correct grammar. The rules for the French language are to only pluralizes the article. Please see our post Using Apostrophes with Last Names Ending in s, ch, or z, which provides more discussion and helpful examples. You are invited to the Coons house for a party? For the last few years he has focused on the study of code-switching and bilingual linguistic structure more generally. If Parsons referred to the name of a company or organization (for example: Parsons Engineering Limited), in this case how should the possessive form of Parsons be written? 2020 The Kurzs est. There are many different formats and style manuals, each one with different rules and practices. 2013-12 . Which is correct? We would lean toward writing Marcuss since thats how we would say it, but Marcus is also acceptable. 9 submissions from all over the world agree the name Lopez means "Wolf" and is of Spanish origin. My married last name is Peetz. The order form says to write the pluralized last name. Wiki User. I dont want it to say The Demas family. Would it be the Demases or the Demas or the Demass? Thank you. If only I could be like Juan Lopez when I grow up! My fiances family name, Latiolais, is French and is pronounced Latch-o-lay. Thanks! According to a user from Texas, U.S., the name Lopez is of Spanish origin and means "Lupus wolf". I am ordering a stamp as a housewarming gift with last name Goetz including their new home address to be used for their outgoing mail. Only possessive names (both singular and plural) get apostrophes. That clause (Article 1, Section 8) empowers There'd just be bad grammar and the occasional wrong word that'd be easy to understand how a non-Spanish speaker could make that As the post states, To show singular possession of a name ending in s or z, some writers add just an apostrophe. Any idea? Therefore, Rodriguezs implies one person with the last name Rodriguez. As demonstrated in the rule above, to show plural possession of a name ending in s, form the plural first; then immediately use the apostrophe. WebTo form the possessive of a proper noun ending in an s or z sound, some people use apostrophe + s, as in Perezs and Burns's, and others prefer an apostrophe alone, as in Perez and Burns's. My soon to be last name will be Fields in order to show possession on the flag how do I write it? Rule: To show plural possession of a name ending in s, ch, or z, form the plural first; then immediately use the apostrophe. 4. The Ames/Amess/Ameses are coming home from vacation tomorrow. Is it the Crosses dog or the Crosss dog? This article (on 09/13/2017) was so timely. To me, it would seem to be an exception because making it Haselbaches, as the rule requires, would change the pronunciation. Thank you. I have an online digital print shop and sometimes I get requests from wedding couples to add their last name to the signature drink sign being displayed at their wedding. Am I correct in submitting Bintzes? For names that end in an s or z sound, though, you can either add -'s or just an apostrophe. If I am trying to state that something is the property of my husband, Luke McGuinness, would I say that its Luke McGuinnesss? I would like it to say The Colliers do I need an apostrophe S (The Colliers) or is The Colliers the correct way to personalize? Is Joness pronounced Joneses? Play Slow . Her nickname is Anacrusis. What about making a name such as Haselbach plural? Do I write it like this: I love Marcus smile OR I doubled Marcus bottle this morning. Learn a new word every day. The Chicago Manual of Styles Rule 7.22 says, Some writers and publishers prefer the system, formerly more common, of simply omitting the possessive s on all words ending in shence Dylan Thomas poetry, Etta James singing, and that business main concern. Though easy to apply and economical, such usage disregards pronunciation in the majority of cases and is therefore not recommended by Chicago. Therefore, our Rule 1c of Apostrophes includes the ss spelling for possessive nouns ending in s. For a car belonging to Dennis, we would prefer writing it as Denniss car. Very often I hear narrators pronounce it as Jesus-ez for Jesus but that always sounded a bit redundant to me. As the post states, To show plural possession of a name ending in s, ch, or z, form the plural first; then immediately use the apostrophe. Therefore, Christmas at the Crosses is correct. As shown in the examples below the third rule, you may write either Pariss or Paris. Thank you! The possessive form for a family whose last name is Chase is the Chases. The Churches have arrived but the Bohmbachs are running late. born 1970, Puerto Rican singer and film actress, known as J-Lo; her films include Out of Site (1997) and The Wedding Planner (2001) and her records include On the 6 To proper nouns, such as people's names, we may add an s ores (Lees, Lopezes, and Kennedys). Guest +0 I think it would be Lopez's, but I wonder whether anyone would argue if you made it Lopez' ? Thank you! I am trying to get the correct information for my wedding invitation. As the post states, To show plural possession of a name ending in s, ch, or z, form the plural first; then immediately use the apostrophe. Therefore, write the plural possessive Hayses house.. Here are some examples of how to treat four family names. pehs. ) You might want to find out which method the educational publication prefers. Their last name is Andrus. We assume that the sign is for the outside of a house, and that there is more than one member of the Lenz family.The plural of Lenz is Lenzes. Or is it The Matoss Pool or even The Matoses pool? The forms ladies room and womens room are both incorrect, since the forms ladie and womens do not exist in English on their own.] I would like to order a personalized Christmas plate for a wedding gift. Using one of CMOSs (note, we violated your edict again) examples, we would definitely write that businesss main concern.. Is that the correct plural and possession for the plaque? Im going to find that lady and show her this article. Karsiess Classroom. A Google search brought me to your page and I was surprised to learn that Mrs. In response to Commissioner Martinez concerns, Mr. Brown indicated the Department conducted a traffic study. I cant figure out the punctuation. I am doing a Christmas sign for a friend whose surname is Cross. The possessive form is Fieldses. We had a question in some legal drafting on how to pluralize and possess the last name Sanchez. The plural forms of the names would be pronounced like the singular forms with an s sound at the end. One moose, two moose. If I want to write The Matos Pool would I add the apostrophe on the end. So my question is which of the two ways for my last name to show possession is MORE appropriate? Had to laugh when we read the examples! For example: The quizzes' origins are well documented. Others also add another s. Either Luke McGuinnesss car or Luke McGuinness car is acceptable in writing, but you would likely say McGuinnesss. To show plural possession for the last name Marshall, form the plural by adding an s followed by an apostrophe. The names Jesus and Moses are always made possessive with the apostrophe alone: The usual way to show possession with a name that ends in a silent s, z, or x is with -'s. The Sanchezes will be over soon. Im going to rub it in her face! If the word already ends in S, simply add an apostrophe to form the possessive. Example: The Lopezes' house is number twenty. When using a post card, sign, etc. Note the spelling of the plural possessive of Jones, as per the last rule above. Die Syntax des Code-Switching. What about pronunciation? We are reminded that, in Bill Clintons autobiography My Life, he mentions his friend whose last name is Thomases (not Thomas). the Birches house Is it with es in the end or z? I have a couple students with apostrophes in their names and am unsure how to add a possessive. Select the option that demonstrates the correct and best use of a pronoun. Are there instances where this is not the case when it comes to proper nouns? We have a sign in our kitchen that we inherited that says the Mudrichs. I personally prefer the way The Mudrichs looks. Love The Holloways, Should it be: Love The Holloways Love The Holloways Love The Holloways, A simple plural does not need an apostrophe. You can search for related postings using the search button at the top of the page. Im ok being old school style in my writing-I just dont want to completely incorrect. Im writing an English paper and Im wondering how you would say Thoreau and Emersons pieces, meaning they each have one piece of literature I am referencing. Most diseases are not capitalized, except for the presence of a proper noun. As the post states, To show plural possession of a name ending in s, ch, or z, form the plural first [Inglises]; then immediately use the apostrophe. Therefore, write Christmas at the Inglises or Christmas at the Inglises home/house/residence. What if there are two kids in his class with the same name would you say both of the Cases are present? I know you addressed this question earlier, but a subsequent question about the Has (Has) makes me think that the Casses or Cass might be acceptable because the Cases changes the name into a different word. My last name is Mudrich. What about if you are talking about two guys named Chris? We cannot comment further without a specific example sentence. I am getting a house name made to put it outside our house. *Last name is Hollis, and I want this to show the year we married. No apostrophe? Roberta asked Mr. Lopez for a raise, and Mr. Lopez agreed. How would you write the last name of Flores? Now I know. Possessive Proper Nouns? PhD dissertation, UIC. The Evans Family Travels or you could write The Evans Familys Travels., I want to write: Merry Christmas! How about I appreciated Dr. Strichartz help in this matter. If I want to show possession with his name, would the correct spelling be Silas, as in Silas turn, or Silas bike, etc? The simple plural is Husts. To show plural possession for the last name Marshall, form the plural by adding an s followed by an apostrophe. First determine whether the surname is intended to be a simple plural, a singular possessive, or a plural possessive. This book is of interest to those working in linguistics and psycholinguistics, especially bilingualism, code-switching, and the lexicon. For example, Coons is a family name. The Ameses are coming home from vacation tomorrow. You do not say how many people with the last name Parsons you are referring to for showing possession. Required fields are marked *. Either way, Karsies or Karsiess, is correct. WebBritish Dictionary definitions for Lopez Lopez / ( lpz) / noun Jennifer. One might say that a line such as The Timmons Family Store would mean that this is a store that only serves the Timmons Family; possibly the store that sells Timmons families? 1. Gonzlez-Vilbazo, K. 2005. Surname: Brown Jones Smith Lopez Plural: Browns Joneses Smiths Lopezes Singular possessive: Browns Joness Smiths Lopezs I would like to make a return address stamp to indicate our household (my husband and myself). We have a preference for Chelsea and Lewiss Formal 2019 because thats how we would say it. If I have a sentence that says Hunter Thomass reputation follows him everywhere he goes etc. Remote Learning: My child wants to write a book about maple sugaring. You may exercise your preference. proper noun. Roberta asked him for a raise, and Mr. Lopez agreed. WebGrammar/Mechanics Checkup: Nouns BT 272 Correct Question 1 Proper nouns (such as Lee, Lopez, and Kennedy) are always made plural by the addition of an s. True False Feedback: Correct. For a holiday card would it be the Goelzs? Hercules? The plaque should read Seasons Greetings from the Ortizes.. Italics? I would say The Winters Family but we have no children & I dont want our families & friends to get the wrong idea (trust me, they would). Herculeses? Sample: Philippine Airlines instead of Philippines Airline or Philippine Constitution instead of Philippines Constitution or Philippine National Police and so on and so forth. Here are some examples of how to treat four family names. For example, a company called Industrious. Additionally, how would I indicate possession when the word itself is an adjective that has become a proper noun? Meaning: it means wolf Singular and Plural of Lopez Synonyms of Lopez trips skips lollops hops bounds bounces Lopez in Example Sentences Juan Lopez was invited to visit the village. You may write GSSSs or recast the sentence, e.g., The 2016 GSSS was significantly longer than the GSSS of either 2013 or 2009. Material created by Jane Straus and GrammarBook.com. You could use the word Bedi as an adjective to describe the word House; however, if you wish to indicate the house owned by those who are the Bedis, we favor The Bedis House.. [Note the rule still applies, despite the irregular plural in this case. 1. Apostrophes with Names Ending in s, ch, or z Quiz. After reading that Mrs. Only possessive names (both singular and plural) get apostrophes. WebPronunciation of Lopez Phonetic Spelling: [ l OH - p eh z ] l: OH-p: eh: z; let: so : pet: pet: zen: Click on the Play button to listen to how Lopez is pronounced. They typically get formed by adding -s. Except, that is, if the name already ends in s or z. They typically get formed by adding -s. Except, that is, if the name already ends in s or z. But then Ive never really paid attention to someones last name on an ornament or plaques outside or mailbox. Send us corrections Comments 0. Straus and Strauss would be pronounced as strauses (or strausez). I am making a sign for a family with the last name Demas. Rule 1: To form the possessive of a singular noun that does not end in s or an s sound, add an apostrophe plus s to the noun: Examples: the doctors orders, the writers desk, Tammys car, my sisters children, her father-in-laws house (This relates to "the origins of several quizzes" (i.e., quizzes is plural).) The simple plural forms are the Laritzes and the Sieverses. Plaques that are written Welcome to the Laritzes home and Welcome to the Sieverses home are plural possessives and require apostrophes. The art will say Paris magical birthday. Is this the correct way to write the name Paris or should it be Parises? Since the plaque implies Christmas at the Hendersons home, you are correct that there should be an apostrophe. To find that lady and show her this article ( on 09/13/2017 ) was so.. Write Christmas at the Inglises or Christmas at the Inglises home/house/residence therefore, no apostrophe is necessary name Marshall form! Eg Mackintosh: rule: to show possession with the last name Parsons you are referring to for possession. Possession on the end presence of a name such as Kawamoto would it be?! Special concentrations on syntax, morphology and information structure on an ornament or plaques outside or mailbox ordering personalized pads. For a raise, and the Sieverses it the way we pronounce:. 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