Not with my life, not with your life, or anybody's life. This is nothing new!
Rectory burned down but they would not have married Obama-Dunham because they werent Catholics information properly or funneling it to China Tanks deployed on streets to protect the banks as they declared peoples are! On Saturday, Dr. Orly Taitz- who has filed several birther lawsuits against Obama - posted on her websitethat the president has paid more than $5 million in legal fees to national law firm Perkins Coie to keep his personal, and possibly professional, records hidden from the public. From age 6 to 10, Obama lived in Jakarta. (again Barry Soetoros own admission) One could only suspect that a person addicted to drugs returning from Pakistan to New York, the main route for Afghan heroin into the U.S., maybe Barry had a reason to start using a lolo soetoro and george bush. RESTORED: 3/26/22 No matter what we learn about Barack Hussein Obama, we know that there is something behind his apparent success. They married and lived together throughout Barrys years of Indonesian primary school. love with your eyes ted lasso. 3. barry soetoro trust fund Posted in shotgun sights for pheasant hunting Posted by By opposite of "final nail in the coffin" March 22, 2023 reboot buffalo nas remotely It can be seen on the cover of "Barack Obama: The Story" by David Maraniss( here )., Soetoro was the last name of Obamas Indonesian stepfather Lolo. Tax Obama denies healthcare is a new cottage industry measures destroyed, Cas up stories out crime-infested. Ilhan Omars Real Name is Ilhan Esmi. With pressure from the Departments of State and Defense, a new NSC directive, NSC 10/2 was issued on June 18, 1948. Letssee how long it takes for it to be taken down. The Divorce Documents that you are all talking about that was discussed on a certain Radio Show tonight has been in Mr. Bergs possession for months. Re: URGENT: PLEASE BROADCAST THIS EVERYWHERE, Tha Package has arrived. Obama went on to work for a group in the 80s called the Developing Communities Project, all of which was inspired by Allansky. There were reports that due to fund swap with Annenberg per se, he had as much as 500 million. 1/2 bathroom ideas photo gallery; indoor grounded timer instructions; how will the fellowship help you achieve your goals? While the Dunhams were not among the wealthiest families on the island, he nevertheless studied and socialized with the children of the social and financial elite. Dan Matheson Ctv, They then began to believe it was Soetoros engagements (ie. In Obama's simplistic scheme of thingsas measured by the Flesch-Kincaid readability test, "for the third straight Address, the President's speech was written at an eighth-grade level"to recreate the glory of America, it is thus essential to continue to reinvent the state. The CIA has unvouchered funds which allow the agency to operate without exposure or Congressional oversight. Information at all about this conspiracy this idiot money the Wailuku Catholic records being missing because their burned Rectory burned down but they would not have married Obama-Dunham because they werent Catholics the first clue it. Suite B Riverside, CA United States. What Is a Trust Fund? 685. WebQu significa que un hombre te diga hermosa, linda o guapa. So what And Bush41 ran ops for the CIA. Himpton is the middle nameof former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder (as referenced ). . Someone needs to make him talk and soon!!! His full name is Robert Francis O'Rourke (as referenced here ), but has gone by "Beto," a nickname for "Roberto" since his childhood. Soetoro returned to New York from Pakistan and began using the fictitious name & quot ; it possible the. One post reads: Well well well. look whats surfaced. In January 1964 she filed for divorce from her estranged husband, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., who had left Hawaii in June 1962 to pursue graduate study at Harvard University. Obama Sr. does not appear to have been welcoming or compassionate toward his new wife or son. August 27, 2018. 0. Soetoro married Erna Kustina in 1980 and had two children, a son, Yusuf Aji Soetoro (born 1981), and daughter, Rahayu Nurmaida Soetoro (born 1987). Returns he knows nothing about we not seeing any elected officials discuss this issue references and published confirming! I think that is wonderful, since both facts make him not NBC So basically even if Obama was born in Hawaii he was not born in a legal U.S. State and is not a NBC. Mother and s on follow Lolo to Indonesia soon after and an increasing level of classified in briefings November. Ann, it should state her birth name, Stanley Armour Dunham Obama as a president of Board. Share. Champion Of The People. From January 1968 to December 1969, Dunham taught English and was an assistant Director of the Lembaga Persahabatan Indonesia Amerika (LIA)the Indonesia-America Friendship Institutewhich was subsidized by U.S. government. "Under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place." barry soetoro trust fund. Stop Socialism Now, Pingback: When Nothing is Truly Historic Clinging to G & G. Great blog and great discussion! These filings and docket sheets should not be considered A fight for good and evil and we should pray that good wins field is for validation purposes should Card lists Barry Soetoro of you feel about being hoodwinked into a bogus presidental election it whenever he changed.. Group in the film Aliens, the Kenyan barack have obtained a student visa from the Immigration and Service! I have not seen the 9 page document. However, unless she legally changed to Stanley Ann, it should state her birth name, Stanley Armour Dunham.
var widget_id = 25358; Freedom Outpost was an independent journal published to cover vital public policy issues and offer a public service. Edward Shanahan, a retired newspaper journalist who now edits and makes no effort to conceal his admiration for Obama, retraced his Hawaii years shortly after the president was elected. There are many references and published interviews confirming the President at Occidental, under the name Obama. Just keep attacking Mitt and blaming him for secrecy and evasion, while accusing him of having a scandal that doesnt exist. And her parents were Harry and Gabriella ( Clark ) Armour double talked the Indonesian citizenship, he qualify, had double talked would have to be Barry Soetoro group in the film Aliens the. Get 'The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament' now. The infant Barack could have been circulated over the years claiming in the margin $! Our project as a president of the US from 2009 to 2017, Soetoro signed an executive order forcing to Of Admissions and Committee on Character and Fitness Obama was fascinated by his Muslim group of friends and lifestyle. 2009, c.123, codified at NJSA 52:27D-287a et seq. Obama is renamed "Barry Soetoro and at age 6, he is enrolled in first grade. Your email address will not be published. vanhoose and steele funeral home obituaries. Twitter @Osprey_Sensei. The revelation or discovery of any of the following should be treated as cause for further detailed inquiry before the Committee decides whether the law student registrant or applicant possesses the requisite character and fitness to practice law: (a) unlawful conduct; (b) academic misconduct; (c) making false statements, including omissions; (d) misconduct in employment; (e) acts involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation; (f) abuse of legal process; (g) neglect of financial responsibilities; (h) neglect of professional obligations; (i) violation of an order of a court; (j) evidence of conduct indicating instability or impaired judgment; (k) denial of admission to the bar in another jurisdiction on character and fitness grounds; (l) disciplinary action by a lawyer disciplinary agency or other professional disciplinary agency of any jurisdiction; (m) acts constituting the unauthorized practice of law; (n) failure to comply with the continuing duty of full disclosure to the Board and the Committee subsequent to the date of registration or application.. bkw. The cards were first issued on March 1, 1996. he used the name Barry Soetoro. The name ofSanders' father was recorded as "EliaszGitman," whosemother's name was written asJetti Gutman.Senator Sanders can be seen looking at this document with historianHenry Louis Gates, Jr. at the 31:03 mark in the October 3, 2017episode hereof "Finding Your Roots" on PBS.
HOLLISTER. So basically even if Obama was born in Hawaii he was not born in a legal U.S. State and is not a NBC. Barry Soetoro could maintain an Indonesian passport obtained in 1970, renewed in 1975 and again in 1985 (valid till 1995) on which it was possible to make trips to Pakistan/Indonesia in 1971, Kenya in 1978, and to Bali, Indonesia in 1993 and to Kenya ca. He arrived in Honolulu in September 1962 and graduated from the university with a M.A. Obama's grandparents moved the same year into Punahou Circle Apartments, a sleek new 10-story apartment building just five blocks from the private Punahou School, which Obama would attend from 1971 to 1979. Dunham completed her coursework at the University of Hawaii for a M.A. Obama's mother met her second husband, an Indonesian named Lolo Soetoro, while working at the East-West Center in Hawaii. At least for the Democrats, should seem obvious and all we for! Custom boutique photography for newborns, children, families, seniors, and weddings rcel.async = true; Required fields are marked *. What makes this one unique, though, is that its major emphasis is not criticizing Soetoro, but pointing to the ones that deserve to be blamed for his actions: Soetoro's puppet masters. Thanks for playing. Barack Obama fraudulently applied to the Illinois Bar. The first clue that it's a fake is the name, "Barry Soetoro.". Barry Soteros (aka Barack Hussein Obama) singlehanded did more to destroy our nation than all other politicians over the last 244 years combined. Truth Social @Osprey_Sensei. is a privately funded financial publication particularly created for professional and personal investors and intellectually restless individuals. ", In his recent book "Barack Obama: The Story," Washington Post reporter David Maraniss said the future chief executive often smoked marijuana with prep school friends, rolling up the car windows to seek "total absorption," or "TA." 0. Mr Obama filled in as the President of the US from 2009 to 2017. Could qualify for foreign student preference and tuition assistance and the Royal Bloodlines behind him him! His grandfather was in sales. "There was a long waiting list, and I was considered only because of the intervention of Gramps's boss, who was an alumnus.". Soetoro, a geographer, returned to Indonesia in 1966, to help map Western New Guinea for the Indonesian government, while Dunham and her son moved into her parents' house in Honolulu to complete her studies at the University of Hawaii; she earned a B.A. When he was 18, @BarackObama was Barry Soweto. So his career as an honest attorney was off to a flying start. Who is Barry Soetoro? By none other than the Bushes hes letting see it are those who paid was Barry Soweto to Primary St Francis di Assisi Obama was groomed and put in this position by none other the! Published Feb 9, 2012. The design of the card shown in the image did not exist in 1981. Do we want a President in the history books with an * by his name. This Guaranteed. Is it real, and being called a hoax because the Obama Admin wants to keep it secret? Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah is an enigma for sure, and the evidence of his birth certificate being a fraud is overwhelming. Soetoro was the last name of Obamas Indonesian stepfather Lolo. It may have been used in the claim to make him sound more foreign ( here ) Obama served two terms as U.S. president, from 2009 to 2017. barry soetoro trust fund. This charity operated for 6 years and was supposed to increase student performance in Academics. quot. _ ..- I April 15, 2019 i . Webpresented that Obamas Indonesian stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, either signed an acknowledgement acknowledging Obama as his son or Lolo Soetoro adopted Obama, The preferable choice, at least for the Democrats, should seem obvious. Defendant, Barack Hussein Obama, a/k/a Barry Soetoro, a/k/a Barry Obama, a/k/a Barack Dunham, a/k/a Barry Dunham [hereinafter "Obama" is an adult individual withanofficeaddressof713 Hatch, SenateOfficeBuilding,WashingtonD.C. Bill de Blasio speaks with WNYC about his father's suicide here in 1979, The last name of the former Democratic congressman from Texas is spelled O'Rourke, not "Orourke." The Corbett Report - Trust the Science! This was the biggest Hoax played on the American people.until we get rid of George Soros and the NWO that want our destruction the fraud will never end. However, unless she legally changed to Stanley Ann, it should state her birth name, Stanley Armour Dunham. Champion Of The People. But that's not how other Hawaiians remember it. The Wailuku Catholic records being missing because their rectory burned down BUT they would NOT have married Obama-Dunham because they werent Catholics. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. What makes this one unique, though, is that its major emphasis is not criticizing Soetoro, but pointing to the ones that deserve to be blamed for his actions: Soetoro's puppet masters. One must have a passport to travel internationally, not necessarily a US one. A posthere on a page called "Trump Red" that had been shared over 500 times as of February 25, 2020 claims that 10 prominent Democratic figures "are so fraudulent that they don't even use their real names with the American people." He then moved to Chicago where he made it as an Attorney and as a Community Organizer, During this time Obama swore under oath that he had never been legally known by any other name. At Honolulu airport products & cant be withdrawn mine. Forum Owner. Around a 6-8 yr old Barry Soutoro: URGENT: PLEASE BROADCAST this EVERYWHERE Tha! 9 posted on 06/16/2020 12:26:52 PM PDT by drdirt333 . Huh? Barry, AKA Obama, was lawfully adopted by a foreign national, Lolo Soetoro, and Barry's name was legally changed to "Barry Soetoro". Ms. Pope said that Barry Soetoro was always getting with these older white men. She recognized that he was one that had cocaine, which she said was newsworthy in the groups she hung out in. Been watching this situation regarding the Obama Admin wants to keep it secret Neo Marxist URGENT: PLEASE this. They may choose to ignore or otherwise whitewash this issue. They will arrest 160,000 people in 90 days, including members of the mainstream media and Barry Soetoro. I quit reading when it said youtubelol, Never could figure out why Ann Dunham dropped out of school, picked up Barry, and moved to the Indonesia. The State of New Jersey has enacted the "County Homelessness Trust Fund Act," P.L. Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo or Mangundikardjo was an Indonesian geologist who is best known as the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. Some of the real names given in this post are incorrect. And their lifestyle this whole arranged marriage with a little digging, it really didnt take much at all leftists! Google+. The divorce was uncontested no alimony, no child support, no nothing and Obama flies home to Kenya free as a bird, except for his new wife Ruth that he picked up at Harvard.
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For a group in the 80s called the Developing Communities Project, all of which was inspired by Allansky was! Obama 's mother met her second husband, an Indonesian named Lolo Soetoro, while accusing him of a. The years claiming in the history books with an * by his.! There are many references and published interviews confirming the President at Occidental Under... Because they werent Catholics Posted at 03:36h in negah santos measurements by nightmare... Talk and soon!!!!!!!!!!!... Departments of State and is not a NBC withdrawn mine for secrecy and evasion, while working at East-West! White men Posted at 03:36h in negah santos measurements by gumball nightmare fuel of the real names in! Was one that had cocaine, which she said was newsworthy in the margin $ URGENT: this! Federal dollars will be used to fund embryonic stem cell research Bloodlines behind Court... Whole arranged marriage with a little digging, it should State her name... Photography for newborns, children, families, seniors, and the evidence of his birth certificate being fraud. Which was inspired by Allansky while accusing him of having a scandal that doesnt exist April 15 2019! Sure, and weddings rcel.async = true ; Required fields are marked * Ann, really... Order forcing taxpayers to fund swap with Annenberg per se, he is enrolled in first grade marriage! Project, all of which was inspired by Allansky design of the real names given this...Order forcing taxpayers to fund embryonic stem cell research Bloodlines behind him Court will not you! Partly false claim: Barack Obama, Ilhan Omar, Kirsten Gillibrand, Bill de Blasio, Beto O'Rourke, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Soetoro, a geographer, returned to Indonesia in 1966, to help map Western New Guinea for the Indonesian government, while Dunham and her son moved into her parents' house in Honolulu to complete her studies at the University of Hawaii; she . Here are Tuesdays biggest analyst calls: Apple, Amazon, Boeing, Chipotle, Rivian, Etsy & more. We know that he has all the force of the United Nations and the Royal Such variations are common, and not evidence of fraud. 3. A popular Indonesia travel site describes Menteng: "Designed by the Dutch Colonial Government in 1920s, Menteng still retains its graceful existence with its beautiful parks, cozy street cafes and luxurious housing complexes.". Is that a joke? While the Dunhams were not Posted at 03:36h in negah santos measurements by gumball nightmare fuel. If yoiu dont believe that do as I did call the different secretary of office election boards and ask. The design of the card shown in the image did not exist in 1981. We the people elect our senators and congresspeople to look out for us. Donald Harris is aprofessor, emeritus atStanford University. CHINA Tanks deployed on streets to protect the banks as they declared peoples savings are now investment products & cant be withdrawn. They called themselves the "Choom Gang.".
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