Reference group attitudes influence the availability and opportunity to access activities and can include attitudes regarding the appropriateness of the activity (Crawford & Godbey, Reference Crawford and Godbey1987). Although access occurred in some situations, access alone did not result in social inclusion. Simple solutions can include signage in braille or a tactile map or audio descriptions of where toilets or amenities are located, as one blind audience member, Kerry, advised. However, the issue has rarely been examined from the perspective of disabled people themselves. Furthermore, the arts comfort in times of trouble, heal, inspire community participation and foster a compassionate society (Chew, Reference Chew2009, p. 9). Attitudes to work by disabled artists were evident in our interviews with performing artists, particularly when they did not want to be known as disabled artists. Within the social model it is the lived experience that is essential to further understanding and research of the barriers to independence and equality (Rosqvist, Chown, & Stenning, Reference Rosqvist, Chown and Stenning2020, p. 5). Such an integrated approach has implications for managers to understand them beyond policy and the individual, by examining how people are disabled by societal factors through focus on meso and macro levels. Such diversity in participants enabled us to examine challenges in social inclusion in the performing arts. It oversees social inclusion for individuals but also more generally established a network of supports for disabled people (Bonyhady, Reference Bonyhady2014; Ryan & Collins, Reference Ryan and Collins2008). Lack of voice and desire to limit interactions to those who were members of the disabled community were examples of this. Social inclusion ensures that everyone in society has opportunities, capabilities and resources to enable them to contribute to and share in the benefits of community or national development (Cultural Minister's Council, 2009). In sum, barriers to participation entailed attitudinal barriers that include: ignorance, prejudice and simple lack of knowledge about what to do to create a more inclusive environment for disabled people. For example, one carer, Heide, told us that her son could not see as he was way up the back in the theatre. Web2.4 Ensure strategies for community participation and social inclusion are regularly reviewed with the person and supervisor to enable positive outcomes 2.5 Monitor level of engagement in consultation with supervisor 3. 04 October 2021. Inappropriate Curriculum 4. Inclusion is facilitated in a culture of collaboration, mutual respect, support and problem-solving involving the whole school community. Dr. Ruth Rentschler OAM is Professor Arts & Cultural Leadership and Head, School of Management, University of South Australia. Representation of categories such as disability have real effects on society (Bacchi, Reference Bacchi2009). WebAinscow M., Booth T. (2003) The Index for Inclusion: Developing Learning & Participation in Schools.
For example, Shakespeare (Reference Shakespeare and Davis2006) critiques the social model in relation to its blunt nature, arguing that it lacks nuanced consideration and understanding of the complexity inherent in social inclusion. Accordingly, this paper fills this gap in the management literature by examining barriers that disabled people face in relation to their social inclusion in the arts, with regards to four dimensions: access (Gidley, Hampson, & Wheeler, Reference Gidley, Hampson and Wheeler2010; Kawashima, Reference Kawashima2006; Kusayama, Reference Kusayama2005), participation (Evans, Bellon, & Matthews, Reference Evans, Bellon and Matthews2017; Gidley, Hampson, & Wheeler, Reference Gidley, Hampson and Wheeler2010; Kawashima, Reference Kawashima2006; Putnam, Reference Putnam2000), representation (Kawashima, Reference Kawashima2006; Lindelof, Reference Lindelof2015) and empowerment (Evans, Bellon, & Matthews, Reference Evans, Bellon and Matthews2017; Gidley, Hampson, & Wheeler, Reference Gidley, Hampson and Wheeler2010; Themudo, Reference Themudo2009; vom Lehn, Reference vom Lehn2010). In addition to serving as a facilitator of connection, when it is poorly disseminated, information can serve as a Report of the state of the science in aging with developmental disabilities: charting lifespan trajectories and supportive environments for healthy community living symposium. To put this in perspective and illustrate the low priority given to it, while 20% of Australians live with a disability, only 2.3% of the Australia Council's budget is allocated to this sector. Taken together, studies on participation suggest a need for a deeper examination of the methodological and theoretical foundations of social inclusion. Webpath towards inclusion, establishing barriers to learning and to the participation of students and the educational community and thereby generate exclusion and a lack of equity in education sys - tems. I never go by myself because of access (Matt). As such, the inclusion of disabled people as both artists and audiences goes beyond mere access and participation. As argued by Sen (Reference Sen1985), inclusion is often dependent on an individual's ability to function in a manner deemed valuable to the economy. Fakhar Manesh, Mohammad 1. Although the framework is developed based on a study in the Australian context, its findings could be generalised to other nations seeking to understand barriers to social inclusion for disabled people as a means of seeking to overcome them. 2015 ). As such, considering this frame across a diverse range of individuals and contexts would be an important step to more fully understand barriers to inclusion in a more holistic way. Moreover, we found that barriers to participation put limits on the positive impacts of access, such as a sense of belonging, human dignity and potential future involvement of disabled people. WebIdentifying social inclusion and exclusion 21 The process of improving the terms of participation in society for people who are disadvantaged on the basis of age, Representation has been a more recent development that links scholarly research in human dignity, potential and complexity to being recognised and included in society. The prescriptive and descriptive findings of participation highlight connections between each of the barriers to inclusion. If someone is there with me, the person behind the counter won't answer directly to me There is a need for awareness and training for staff. Within this context, this study examined the barriers to social inclusion for disabled people in the arts drawing on the responses of multiple stakeholders including disabled people as audiences and performers through the lens of the social model of disability. Next, we provide insights into different interpretations of social inclusion and its four dimensions (access, participation, representation and empowerment) followed by an examination of how arts can facilitate social inclusion. Four main barriers were identified: lack of necessary knowledge and skills; They knew she was up for an award. Social inclusion is, therefore, seen as the process of providing opportunities to include people from all backgrounds, ensuring that they have the resources, opportunities and capabilities to work, learn, engage and have a voice (Australian Social Inclusion Board, 2012). As identified by participants such as Muge, a staff member in the disability sector, the performing arts bring with them the ability to foster independence through methods such as increasing physical capabilities, education and training. Moreover, in some situations, different accommodations are incompatible with different impairments or indeed those with the same impairment may require different solutions (Shakespeare, Reference Shakespeare and Davis2006, p. 201). For example, representation, exposure and understanding of disability impacted how disabled people who had access could participate in artistic performances. Most questions were followed-up to elicit details about their experiences. For example, in our interview with Amy, a disabled artist, spoke of how ableist structures influence the experiences of disabled people at elite cultural events such as awards nights: An incident happened where the actress winning the award was called to collect it. The social model thus serves as a practical tool rather than theory, idea or concept (Oliver, Reference Oliver, Barnes and Mercer2004, p. 30). Although the potential of arts to promote social inclusion is recognised, barriers to social inclusion for disabled people in the arts is under-researched. View all Google Scholar citations Despite the acknowledgement that the benefits of participating in arts extend beyond aesthetic norms, limited effort has been made to allow disabled people to interact with others and develop relationships where their disability is not seen as exceptional, which helps them feel included (Chew, Reference Chew2009; Wiesel & Bigby, Reference Wiesel and Bigby2016). As a final note, it is important to acknowledge that the barriers presented are not limited to disabled people and may indeed be applied to any individual or group facing barriers to inclusion. A blind audience member said: In training, it is not just what can happen in the physical environment but getting people to think about their attitudes and understand that disabled people have a lot to offer as audiences (Bertie). As she advised, there was no awareness of how to accommodate him, going so far as to say that the toilets were also not accessible or not unisex thus preventing carers from the opposite sex providing needed assistance. Representation is defined as who does the speaking and how people are spoken of (Bacchi, Reference Bacchi2009). Introduction Loneliness among older adults is a major public health problem that may be associated with processes of social participation and identity. you end up not taking opportunities because you have to financially back yourself. The findings suggest there is still a long way to go to ensure that representation creates inclusion for all. Policies as Barrier Geraldine Cachero Follow Teacher Advertisement Advertisement Recommended Subject centred curriculum The Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed to Along this line, disabled performers discussed how transparency in the sector would allow them to communicate their access needs: I'd like to see the sector change so that there's better access: those who identify as disabled artists (should) be able to book without being penalized (Amy). “Exercise prescriptions” for youth with chronic diseases need to be evidence based and In sum, barriers to representation entailed how disabled people are spoken about and thought of (e.g., negative notions, ideas and concepts), which tends to reinforce the social model produced by the enabled majority. By removing the earlier barriers, a person's pathway is enhanced. Simplican SC, Leader G, Kosciulek J, Leahy M. Res Dev Disabil. Our paper shifts the focus away from museums to performing arts for the social inclusion of disabled people. Recent literature reviews have examined the barriers to successful participation in governance (Ianniello et al. She has published widely on matters related to the diversity and the arts in journal articles, industry reports, books and conference papers. We took a holistic approach to concept development, devising first-order and second-order analysis by coding themes, following a two-stage approach in analysing data (Williams & Murray, Reference Williams and Murray2015). Likewise, inclusion can be impeded when Other writers focus on societal barriers, including negative public attitudes or lack of physical access. For example, in an interview with Moses, the issue of the seriousness of his work as an artist was important: often people won't take work that's coming from a disabled artist as seriously as work that's coming from an able-bodied artist. Although we analyse them separately, we recognise that there may be overlap in these dimensions. In order to expand representation of disabled people it is imperative that the mindset and outlook of society, in general, be changed regarding awareness of the difficulties faced by disabled people. As such, in some situations, environmental change remains impossible, while in others, feasibility and resource constraints make other arrangements more practical (Shakespeare, Reference Shakespeare and Davis2006, p. 201). Faculty of Applied Sciences, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, UniSA Business, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia, UniSA Online, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia, Department of Management, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, Reference Thomas, Gray, McGinty and Ebringer, Reference Fujimoto, Rentschler, Le, Edwards and Hrtel, Reference Chapman, Rosqvist, Chown and Stenning, Reference Verhaeghe, Van der Bracht and Van de Putte, Reference Ruiz, Pajares, Utray and Moreno, Reference Rentschler, Lee, Yoon, Collins, Wyszomirski and Chang, Reference McGrath, Palmgren and Liljedahl, Reference Darcy, Maxwell, Grabowski and Onyx, Reference Bullock, Mahon and Killingsworth, Reference Camarero, Garrido and Hernndez, Scaling impact: Blueprint for collective action to scale impact investment in and from Australia, Australian Advisory Board on Impact Investing, Impact Investing Australia, Foucault and the government of disability, Deschooling the museum: A proposal to increase public access to museums and their resources, Social inclusion in Australia: How Australia is faring, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Commonwealth of Australia, Exploring cultural inclusion: Perspectives from a community arts organisation, The illest: Disability as metaphor in hip hop music, Blackness and disability: Critical examinations and cultural interventions, Korean disabled artists experiences of creativity and the environmental barriers they face, Managing diversity toward a global inclusive workplace, Disability, politics and poverty in a majority world context, Putting people in the picture: The role of the arts in social inclusion, University of Melbourne: Centre for Public Policy, Doing your research project: A guide for first-time researchers, Mother-blame in the Prozac Nation raising kids with invisible disabilities, Qualitative research for education: An introduction to theory and methods, Disability, avoidance and the academy: Challenging resistance, The national disability insurance scheme: A catalyst for large scale, affordable and accessible housing for people with disability, Introduction to recreation services for people with disabilities: A person-centered approach, The mixed effects of organization's and manager's social capital: Evidence from the case of museums, Neurodiversity studies: A new critical paradigm, Community-based arts organisation: A new center of gravity, Asperger's syndrome: Differences between parents' understanding and those diagnosed, Remote art centres and Indigenous development, The portrayal of autism in Hollywood films, International Journal of Culture and Mental Health, Reconceptualising barriers to family leisure, An evaluation of a year-long mentoring program for artists with disability in western Australia, Department of Family and Community Services, The challenge of engaging with and reporting against the SDGs for SMEs such as Sydney Theatre Company, Artistic impact: From casual and serious leisure to professional career development in disability arts, Hope as a basis for understanding the benefits and possibilities of community engagement, Institute for Advancing Community Engagement, ACU National, Leisure as a human right: An exploration of people with disabilities perceptions of leisure, arts and recreation participation through Australian community access services, Lessons learned from community organisations: Inclusion of people with disabilities and others, Social inclusion: Context, theory and practice, The Australasian Journal of University-Community Engagement, Becoming qualitative researchers: An introduction, Disability and social inclusion down under: A systematic literature review, Social inclusion: Origins, concepts and key themes, Social Inclusion Unit, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Making the journey: Arts and disability in Australia, Audience development and social inclusion in Britain, Disability and contemporary performance: Bodies on the edge, Access to museums for visually challenged people in Japan, Audience development and its blind spot: A quest for pleasure and play in the discussion of performing arts institutions, Women's voices in Middle East museums: Case studies in Jordan, Twelve tips for conducting qualitative research interviews, Case study research in education: A qualitative approach, Social inclusion of employees who are blind or low vision, The politics of disablement: Critical texts in social work and the welfare state, The social model in action: If I had a hammer, Implementing the social model of disability: Theory and research, Evolved disease-avoidance processes and contemporary anti-social behaviour: Prejudicial attitudes and avoidance of people with physical disabilities, Bowling alone: The collapse and revival of American community, Museum marketing: Competing in the global marketplace, I am a professional dancer: A case study of performing artists with disability, Building professionalism in the creative sector, Leaving no one behind: The imperative of inclusive development, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Transgressive bodies: Representations in film and popular culture, Design for all in multimedia guides for museums, Entertaining international visitors: The hybrid nature of tourism shows, Recruitment of hard-to-reach population subgroups via adaptations of the snowball sampling strategy, Social inclusion, the museum and the dynamics of sectoral change, A history of mental retardation: A quarter century of progress, Heavenly talk: Discourse, artifacts, and children's understanding of elementary astronomy, Well-being, agency and freedom: The Dewey lectures 1984, Women empowerment through entrepreneurial activities of self help groups, Indian Research Journal Extension Education, Between art therapy and disability aesthetics: A sociological approach for understanding the intersection between art practice and disability discourse, Socially responsible diversity management, On accepting relationships between people with mental retardation and non-disabled people: Towards an understanding of acceptance, Developing the social relational in the social model of disability: A theoretical agenda, Homeless adults engagement in art: First steps towards identity, recovery and social inclusion, Discrimination of tenants with a visual impairment on the housing market: Empirical evidence from correspondence tests, Discovering experience-ables: Socially including visually impaired people in art museums, From arts marketing to audience enrichment: How digital engagement can deepen and democratize artistic exchange with audiences, Mainstream, inclusionary, and convivial places: Locating encounters between people with and without intellectual disabilities, Negotiating the normative: The other normal for mothers of disabled children, Exploring how the social model of disability can be re-invigorated for autism: In response to Jonathan Levitt, Empowerment theory handbook of community psychology. 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